CentreForDigitalHumanities / procreg

Data processing registration Django app
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ProcReg: A processing registry for research

Currently in development by the DH-IT portal team for the faculties of Humanities and Law, Economics, and Governance at Utrecht University.


While doing their work, researchers often process personal information. According to the GDPR and its Dutch implementation in the AVG, Utrecht University is responsible for recording what personal data is processed and why. Procreg aims to facilitate the registration of these data processing activities in a manner that fulfills all legal requirements while not unnecessarily adding to the bureaucratic load the researchers face.

Procreg does not record any actual data used in research, and is not a place to store research data. Procreg does record meta-information on data collected during research activities.


Procreg is a Django application making use of the DH-IT Django Shared Core and Portaldev Bootstrap theme.

Procreg provides a browser-based portal in which guided questions help researchers register exactly what is necessary to fulfill their requirements under the AVG. It requires no prior knowledge on personal data collection for the end-user and therefore contains an educational component.

Blueprint and consumers

Most of the application revolves around building a Registration object. This is a complex object that sprawls in many sub-objects, therefore its logic and validation are contained in a Blueprint.

Check it out in: registrations/blueprints.py

The Blueprint, and with it the registration in question, is validated by recursively running so-called consumers. Each consumers tends to validate a certain form question, but there isn't a strict one-on-one relationship between the two. If succesful, a consumer will return a list of further consumers to run which represent the next steps in validation.


Setting up

It is not recommended to run or develop this application as-is. Please see the procreg-deploy repo (available on GitLab) for the recommended Docker deployment. The following steps create an environment that can be inserted into the Docker container for live development

Grab the source

Simply clone it from this repo. Put it in the ./source/ directory found in the top level of procreg-deploy.

git clone git@github.com:CentreForDigitalHumanities/procreg.git source
cd source
git checkout acc

Create virtual environment and install sources

For virtual environment management, pipenv is recommended. The Python version used is not of great importance but 3.9 is what is used in deployments, so it's best to stick with that if possible. If Python 3.9 can't be found on your system, pipenv will suggest steps to install it using Pyenv.

The following should be run in the top level of procreg sources, where we left off in the previous step.

pipenv shell --python=3.9
pip install requirements.txt

Note that this is not the same environment as the container uses. The container simply uses the root-level Python environment and site-packages inside the container. The container does not see the virtualenv, except for src/cdh-django-core. The development virtualenv simply exists to give your IDE something to work with.

As such, when there are inconsistencies with code inside and outside the container, the virtual env is a good place to look.

Install Django Shared Core into the local dev environment

The development container looks for DSC within this source directory. Therefore paths and directory names below should be followed exactly.

Once again, from the top level of procreg sources, with your virtual environment active. If following directories are already present, you may overwrite them.

mkdir src
cd src
git clone --branch questions git@github.com:CentreForDigitalHumanities/django-shared-core.git cdh-django-core
pip install -e ./cdh-django-core

DSC should already have been installed when installing requirements. However, using an editable local version allows for reference and development of both projects.