Cero-Trade / mvp1.0

Primera versión del MVP en Motoko por el Cero Team.
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Cero Trade

Public url: https://z2mgf-dqaaa-aaaak-qihbq-cai.icp0.io?canisterId=z2mgf-dqaaa-aaaak-qihbq-cai

Project setup

Init ic background replica

dfx start

Install dependencies

npm install

Install mops dependencies globally if havent npm i -g ic-mops

Otherwise install mops proyect dependencies mops install

Generate declarations

mkdir -p .dfx/local/canisters/cero_trade_project_frontend && cp assetstorage.did .dfx/local/canisters/cero_trade_project_frontend/assetstorage.did
dfx generate
cp src/declarations/users/* .dfx/local/canisters/users/
cp src/declarations/user_index/* .dfx/local/canisters/user_index/
cp src/declarations/token/* .dfx/local/canisters/token/
cp src/declarations/token_index/* .dfx/local/canisters/token_index/
cp src/declarations/transactions/* .dfx/local/canisters/transactions/
cp src/declarations/transaction_index/* .dfx/local/canisters/transaction_index/
cp src/declarations/agent/* .dfx/local/canisters/agent/
cp src/declarations/marketplace/* .dfx/local/canisters/marketplace/
cp src/declarations/http_service/* .dfx/local/canisters/http_service/

Generate env.mo and deploy canisters

dfx deploy
dfx deploy agent

Register wasm modules

Register wasm module into backend canisters by run:

dfx canister call agent registerWasmModule '(variant { "token" = "token" })'
dfx canister call agent registerWasmModule '(variant { "users" = "users" })'
dfx canister call agent registerWasmModule '(variant { "transactions" = "transactions" })'

Deploying token canisters

dfx canister call agent registerToken '("token_id")'

Minting tokens to users

dfx canister call agent mintTokenToUser '("recipent", "tokenId", tokenAmount)'

Generate wasm modules (Note: only cero-devs)

dfx canister create token
dfx build token
dfx canister create users
dfx build users
dfx canister create transactions
dfx build transactions

Generate the wasm module like array run command below

Note: must to add package.json field -> "type": "module",

npm run generate-wasm -- module=token
npm run generate-wasm -- module=users
npm run generate-wasm -- module=transactions

Push the current ./wasm_modules commit folder to github

git pull
git add ./wasm_modules
git commit -m "config/new-wasm-modules"
git push

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run dev

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.


Vue frontend


Internet identity integration


how to get Cycles

Can supply a cycle faucet here:


or convert ICP balance to Cycles (TC) by run:

dfx ledger top-up <wallet_id> --icp <icp_amount> --network ic

How to export and import identities between devices

How to add canister controllers


Mainnet deploy


IC Management Canister docs


Mops site url


Anonymous principal
