CesiumGS / cesium-native

Apache License 2.0
438 stars 215 forks source link

Cesium Native

Cesium Native is a set of C++ libraries for 3D geospatial, including:

License Build Status

Cesium Native powers Cesium's runtime integrations for Cesium for Unreal, Cesium for Unity, Cesium for Omniverse, and Cesium for O3DE. Cesium Native is the foundational layer for any 3D geospatial software, especially those that want to stream 3D Tiles.

Cesium Platform and Ecosystem

A high-level Cesium platform architecture with the runtime integrations powered by Cesium Native and streaming content from Cesium ion.

🗃️Libraries Overview

Library Description
Cesium3DTiles Lightweight 3D Tiles classes.
Cesium3DTilesReader 3D Tiles deserialization, including 3D Tiles extension support.
Cesium3DTilesWriter 3D Tiles serialization, including 3D Tiles extension support.
Cesium3DTilesSelection Runtime streaming, decoding, level of detail selection, culling, cache management, and decoding of 3D Tiles.
CesiumAsync Classes for multi-threaded asynchronous tasks.
CesiumGeometry Common 3D geometry classes; and bounds testing, intersection testing, and spatial indexing algorithms.
CesiumGeospatial 3D geospatial math types and functions for ellipsoids, transforms, projections.
CesiumGltf Lightweight glTF processing and optimization functions.
CesiumGltfReader glTF deserialization / decoding, including glTF extension support (KHR_draco_mesh_compression etc).
CesiumGltfWriter glTF serialization / encoding, including glTF extension support.
CesiumIonClient Functions to access Cesium ion accounts and 3D tilesets using ion's REST API.
CesiumJsonReader Reads JSON from a buffer into statically-typed classes.
CesiumJsonWriter Writes JSON from statically-typed classes into a buffer.
CesiumUtility Utility functions for JSON parsing, URI processing, etc.


Apache 2.0. Cesium Native is free for both commercial and non-commercial use.



🚀Getting Started

Clone the repo

Check out the repo with:

git clone git@github.com:CesiumGS/cesium-native.git --recurse-submodules

If you forget the --recurse-submodules, nothing will work because the git submodules will be missing. You should be able to fix it with:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Compile from command line

## Windows compilation using Visual Studio
cmake -B build -S . -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
cmake --build build --config Debug
cmake --build build --config Release

## Linux compilation
cmake -B build -S .
cmake --build build

Compile from Visual Studio Code

1) Install the CMake Tools extension. It should prompt you to generate project files from CMake. 2) On Windows, choose Visual Studio 2017 Release - amd64 as the kit to build. Or choose an appropriate kit for your platform. 3) Then press Ctrl-Shift-P and execute the CMake: Build task or press F7.

Compile with any Visual Studio version using CMake generated projects

1) Open the CMake UI (cmake-gui) 2) Under "Where is the source code", point to your repo 3) Specify your output folder in "Where to build the binaries" 4) Click "Configure". 5) Under "Specify the generator for this project", choose the VS version on your system 6) Click Finish, wait for the process to finish 7) Click Generate

Look for cesium-native.sln in your output folder.

Unit tests can also be run from this solution, under the cesium-native-tests project.


Generate Documentation

Regenerate glTF and 3D Tiles classes

Much of the code in CesiumGltf, Cesium3DTiles, CesiumGltfReader, and Cesium3DTilesReader is generated from the standards' JSON Schema specifications. To regenerate the code:

npm install
cd tools/generate-classes
npm install
cd ../..