CestDiego / nand2tetris.el

Major Mode for HDL files in nand2tetris.
42 stars 11 forks source link
emacs nand2tetris

+TITLE: nand2tetris.el


The aim of this package is to be best emacs tool to accompany you on your nand2tetris journey [[https://www.coursera.org/course/nand2tetris1][in Coursera]], or the [[http://www.nand2tetris.org][Official Website for it]].

~Only works on Linux/OSX...for now~

** Getting Started

Set the path to your nand2tetris directory with e.g. =(setq nand2tetris-core-base-dir "~/nand2tetris")=.

** Goodies

Using =C-c C-c= will call =nand2tetris/tests-current-hdl-elsewhere= which is the same as running:

+begin_src sh

HardwareSimulator.sh FILE.tst    Starts the Hardware Simulator and runs the
                                 FILE.tst test script.  The success/failure
                                 message is printed to the command console.


And printing the result in the modeline, it looks like this:


** Contributors