CeviBuroAarau / cevi-buchs-rohr-aarau-website

Cevi Buchs-Rohr Aarau Webpage
MIT License
1 stars 0 forks source link

Webpage of Cevi Buchs-Rohr Aarau

The official webpage that you find under https://www.cevi-buro-aarau.ch

Metrics: Buildstatus Coverage Lines of Code

Getting started

yarn install
yarn serve

The webpage is then available under localhost:8080

Create the build and run the tests

In order to create a production ready build, you need at minimum to specify a valid sentry authentication token. Create a file .env.local and put this line inside: SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN=***

Replace *** with your token with the scope project:write.

yarn build
yarn test:unit
yarn test:e2e

A coverage report is generated in the folder coverage and tests/e2e/reports

Run offline

Run a mock of the backend:

docker run --init --rm -v $(pwd):/tmp -p 4010:4010 stoplight/prism:4 mock -h "/tmp/api/Backend.yaml"

Run the webpage:

sed -i 's#VUE_APP_COCKPIT_API=https://cockpit.cevi-buro-aarau.ch/api/#VUE_APP_COCKPIT_API=http://localhost:4010/#g' .env
yarn install
yarn serve

The webpage is then available under localhost:8080

Note: it will fail to load the images/files but it will be able to execute all api calls.

Run with docker

docker build -t cevi-buchs-rohr/website .
docker run -it -p 8080:80 --rm --name cevi-buchs-rohr-website cevi-buchs-rohr/website

The webpage is then available under localhost:8080