CfSOtago / GREENGridData

Code to process, document data and analyse data from the Renewable Energy and the Smart Grid (GREEN Grid) project.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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anonymised-data data-archive dataset demand-profiles- electricity-demand heat-pumps lighting newzealand nz-green-grid

Renewable Energy and the Smart Grid (GREEN Grid) project: Data R Package

The Renewable Energy and the Smart Grid (GREEN Grid) project Household Electricity Demand Study data includes:

This data has been cleaned and anonymised to produce the 'safe' dataset available from the UK Data Service. None of the data is held in this repo so none of the code here will work unless you also have access to the data.

See our github pages site for full data documentation.


The code in this repo does three things:

Guide to folders:

Data Access

The 'safe' anonymised dataset is available from the UK Data Service.

The original project data is held on the University of Otago's restricted-access High-Capacity Storage (HCS) filestore.

Using the code

This repo is intentionally structured as an R package so you can install it and re-use the code. You can do this in three ways:

Download it

This will just give you the code to explore & play with.

Clone/fork the repo from github

This will give you a replication of the package as a local repo which you can edit & re-build/re-install as often as you like. You should set this up as an RStudio project. You can then (if you wish) submit pull requests for any improvements you make.

Install the package

This will install it wherever your version of R(Studio) stores packages. It will also install any dependencies. However you will not (easily) be able to edit or amend the code. To do install it:

Recommended approach


Inevitably #YMMV.

Re-Use and Contribution

Terms of Re-Use

In general you can re-use the code and results provided you give appropriate attribution (citation) and retain the same usage terms in your own work.

Re-Using the results

If you want to re-use any of the results in the md/html/pdf reports please cite them using the format described in the reports and observe the license terms applied (usually CC BY-SA 4.0).

Re-Using the code

If you want to re-use the code in your own work, please read the repo License file for specific guidance.

Inevitably #YMMV

Comments & suggestions:

Please use git issues to make a comment or point out an error. We also use issues to manage our 'to do' list so please check your comment is not already open :-)

Contributing code

Feel free to fork the repository (or a branch if you are a collaborator with write access to this repo) and contribute your own additions through the normal git pull request process (ideally R or RMarkdown please!). If you haven't used github before, now is a good time to learn - it works for any codebase, not just R. For R, we recommend using RStudio's integrated github features.

If you make a substantive addition to any of the exisiting RMarkdown reports please add yourself as an author. Your contributions will, in any case, be tracked by github and so fully visible to the world in perpetuity :-)