yamlconv by Chadderz
Converts between the BYAML file format and XML.
For documentation on the BYAML format see: http://mk8.tockdom.com/wiki/BYAML_%28File_Format%29
The conversion procedure begins at the root node. It is encoded as the root XML node with name "yaml". Every sub-node is then recursively converted. Value nodes may either be converted to XML attributes or XML elements. Integers are encoded directly, booleans are encoded as "true" or "false" and floats are encoded as the numeric representation followed by an "f". A string is encoded as the inner text of an XML element with the attribute "type" set to "string". A path is encoded as a series of "point" elements with attributes "x", "y", "z", "nx", "ny", "nz" and "val". The container element of the path has attribute "type" equal to "path". Finally, arrays are encoded as a series of "value" elements with the container having attribute "type" equal to "array" and dictionaries are encoded as a series of named elements or attributes.
The following is an example of the output of yamlconv showing all features mentioned above.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<yaml float_field_example="1.0f" int_field_example="0"
<string_field_example type="string">Hello!</string_field_example>
<path_example type="path">
<point x="0f" y="0f" z="0f" nx="0f" ny="1f" nz="0f" val="0" />
<point x="1f" y="0f" z="0f" nx="0f" ny="1f" nz="0f" val="0" />
<array_example type="array">
<value sample_int="0" />
<value sample_int="1" />
<empty_array type="array" />
<attr type="string">Hi!</attr>
<empty_dictionary />