ChainOfSurvival /

A public information repository on the Chain of Survival
MIT License
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cpr medical volunteer

Chain of Survival

Chain of Survival refers to a series of actions that, properly executed, reduce the mortality associated with cardiac arrest. see on wikipedia


Choose your language


What to do?

If the patient has no breathing or no pulse, you need to immediately take action

1. Call for an ambulance

2. Lay the patient down

3. Tilt head, lift chin

tilt head lift chin

4. Start chest compressions

Chest compressions

5. Use AED if available and you know how to use it

How to do?

TBD: File needs to be updated to inline videos

Video by Chest, Heart & Stroke Scotland

Video by Chest, Heart & Stroke Scotland

Hands only CPR

See American Heart Association's resources

Please help provide this content in your language

Where to get trained?

See the trainers' list

TBD: The trainers' list needs updates with information about local resources

Translate and disseminate

Please help translate and spread awareness about the Chain of Survival in your language.

Why on github?

  1. The site opens by itself - no need for github knowledge

  2. Github allows a platform for controlled attributable contributions

  3. The code for translations is also hosted publically

  4. It does not cost hosting money and avoids being percieved as marketing material


This document is distributed under the CC-SA licence. Media and other pages may have other licence terms and conditions. Please refer to those when using material from this site or repository for preparing awareness campaigns.


This initiative is supported by at least the following organizations

List you organization here with www link




Academic Purposes only

This site is provided for academic purposes only. The content presented here may not be accurate and must be ratified by a qulified physician prior to use. Please note - any information provided here immediately becomes public, hence please do not submit any private information. This page may have been machine translated and hence we cannot guarantee accuracy of contents.


Media source

CC-SA licensed images from the following links have been used. Please follow specific links for detailsImage

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4

Image 5

Image 6

Privacy Policy

You are free to not include your contact information, but inclusion will imply your willingness to share the information publicly

We advise you to only include your github userid, if at all - unless you are a legally approved and registered first responder, and do not object to people contacting you for help.

By entering your name on this page you agree to the terms and conditions, and indemnify the owners, authors, associated organizations against the effect of your actions.

Listing on this page is not a qualification or endorsement

We reserve the right to remove entries from this page, and to make necessary diclosures to authorities as and when demanded.

Terms & Conditions

The people listed on this page may not be medical practitioners

This is only a list of volunteers

This entire site is under Creative Commons - Share Alike license and may not be exploited commercially. The content may be included in commercial offerings as long as the attributions point back to this site

However, we, the authors grant express rights for translation to new langauges as long as the translation is submitted back to this site.

All other rights, including the right to translate are reserved.