ChainSafe / fvm-toolkit

FVM Development Toolkit
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Documentation/tutorial is published. #15

Open boorich opened 1 year ago

stonecharioteer commented 1 year ago

Would we be publishing this like how chainsafe/forest does it?

LesnyRumcajs commented 1 year ago

Please don't mock Forest's almost non-existing documentation. :rofl:

More seriously, the documentation should sit somewhere like this mdbook. It's not pretty, maybe based on the feedback we could have a more fancy frontend for this.

As for the tutorial, to make it as visible and reachable as possible, it'd be worth to post it to devpost, medium or others. In general, we should advertise it on several channels to get as much feedback as possible.

stonecharioteer commented 1 year ago

I wasn't mocking it, I'm happy it has a start. Looks good too?

I can do a lot of blogging / videos about it to put on YouTube if that helps. I've done some stuff before like that.