ChainSafe / fvm-toolkit

FVM Development Toolkit
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FVM Toolkit

The FVM toolkit consists of a collection of tools developed by ChainSafe for use with Filecoin and the Filecoin Virtual Machine. This toolkit hopes to facilitate developers who work with the Filecoin VM by providing:

  1. A build tool that can:
    • compile an actor code to WASM in a ready-to-go bundle, with metadata to deploy to the backend;
    • provide scaffolding for a filecoin actor with readymade templates - (as a cargo plugin/extension); and,
    • Validate the created bundle.
  2. Editor integration by means of hooking into the Language Server Protocol code action requests. This would facilitate:
    • Integration of most-valuable code action commands into a code editor;
    • Visualize gas traces as an overlay
    • Allow Rust developers to utilize their editor of choice as long as it supports the LSP.
  3. A backend that works with the toolkit internals, the plumbing to the porcelain for the front-end that follows so to speak. This will use OpenAPI specifications so as to be extensible later. This will consist of the following:
    • API Gateway - This is the entrypoint to the toolbox itself. This will:
      • Define an API using OpenAPI.
      • Generate server using the OpenAPI Spec.
    • Network Management Toolkit
      • Local
      • Remote
      • Fork
      • Sandbox
    • Actor Management Toolkit
      • Actor Operations
      • Monitoring
  4. A front-end, by means of a command-line-interface that can:
    • Integrate with the backend API, composing available commands (using JSON-RPC) for high-level tasks.

Architecture Diagram

Architecture Diagram Architecture Diagram