FastAction.nvim is a sleek, efficiency plugin designed to optimize code actions in Neovim. By leveraging Neovim's built-in LSP capabilities, it offers a simple and intuitive interface that enhances your coding experience.
, providing more versatility in how you interact with listsUsing lazy.nvim
---@type FastActionConfig
opts = {},
fastaction.nvim comes with sensible defaults to get you started quickly:
dismiss_keys = { "j", "k", "<c-c>", "q" },
override_function = function(_) end,
keys = "qwertyuiopasdfghlzxcvbnm",
popup = {
border = "rounded",
hide_cursor = true,
highlight = {
divider = "FloatBorder",
key = "MoreMsg",
title = "Title",
window = "NormalFloat",
title = "Select one of:",
priority = {
-- dart = {
-- { pattern = "organize import", key ="o", order = 1 },
-- { pattern = "extract method", key ="x", order = 2 },
-- { pattern = "extract widget", key ="e", order = 3 },
-- },
register_ui_select = false,
The order key in the priority table determines the position of that match in the code actions selection prompt. Lower number means higher up in the prompt.
fastaction.nvim exposes three function apart from setup.
: Displays code actions in a popup window.range_code_action()
: Displays code actions in a popup window for a visual any, opts: SelectOpts, on_choice: fun(item: any))
: Displays a
selection prompt window for items.To integrate these functions with your LSP mappings, add the following to your configuration:
'<cmd>lua require("fastaction").code_action()<CR>',
{ buffer = bufnr }
"<esc><cmd>lua require('fastaction').range_code_action()<CR>",
{ buffer = bufnr }
You can also use require('fastaction').select
as a replacement for
fastaction.nvim enhances the selection process by assigning key mappings to each option in the selection prompt. Here's how it achieves this:
For each option, the plugin selects a key mapping based on the priority configuration. If no priority is set, it falls back to using the letters in the option's title. For example, if the option is "organize imports," the plugin first checks if the 'o' key is available. If 'o' is taken, it moves to the next letter, 'r,' and so on, until it finds an available key The code_action and range_code_action functions are essentially using the stylised prompt to choose from the code actions.
The code_action and range_code_action functions utilize this intelligent prompt to display and select from the available code actions efficiently. By leveraging this stylized prompt, FastAction.nvim ensures a smoother and more intuitive selection process, making your coding experience more fluid and enjoyable.
This repository is a fork of nvim-pack/lsp-fastaction.nvim building on its foundations to provide an even more streamlined and efficient experience.