Chandra-MARX / marx

Chandra X-ray Observatory ray-trace simulator
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set pointing offset to 0 #15

Closed hamogu closed 8 years ago

hamogu commented 8 years ago

Below is the (shortened) version of an email exchange on marx-help

For observed files RA_PNT & DEC_PNT, in the event files, is the mean-pointing of the HRMA. We usually pick this to be location of the tangent point so RA_NOM = RA_PNT and DEC_NOM = DEC_PNT (ROLL_NOM = ROLL_PNT too, but not critical here).

The marx2fits outputs (in v5.0 and 5.1) has different values for the (RA|DEC)_NOM and the (RA|DEC)_PNT keywords.

Hi Kenny,

RA_NOM and DEC_NOM are indeed just the user input values that are carried over to the fits file output. As you found out by experimenting RA_PNT and DEC_PNT are calculated from RA_NOM and DEC_NOM with the PointingOffsetY|Z and the roll angle.

PointingOffsetY|Z set "the misaligment between the HRMA optical axis and the nominal pointing". Unfortunately, that means that I don't know exactly why the given default values were chosen. It is possible that the represent an offset between aspect camera and HRMA, but if so I cannot find the the source of those numbers.

PointingOffsetY/Z is not used at any position in the code except to calculate the RA_PNT and DEC_PNT for the output. If you have no misalignment between the optical axis and the pointing direction, you can set them to 0 with no side effects.

Today, there is no offset between the optical axis and nominal pointing in observed Chandra data.

closes #10