Chandra-MARX / marx

Chandra X-ray Observatory ray-trace simulator
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MARX still not fully compatible with clang #17

Closed hamogu closed 7 years ago

hamogu commented 8 years ago

A user reported on 10/2/2015:


I am trying to run MARX in my macbook ((Mavericks 10.9). The commands
used are given below. 

pset ./marx
pset ./marx OutputDir=marx_output_i0000.dir 
pset ./marx SourceType=SAOSAC 
pset ./marx RA_Nom= 286.7007967689 
pset ./marx Dec_Nom=40.1797739310 
pset ./marx Roll_Nom=220.0609424128 
pset ./marx SourceRA=286.702020614 
pset ./marx SourceDEC=40.1850875191 
pset ./marx DitherModel=FILE 
pset ./marx DitherFile=pcadf555926664N001_corr_asol1.fits 
pset ./marx DetectorType=ACIS-S 
pset ./marx GratingType=NONE 
pset ./marx ExposureTime=0.0 
pset ./marx DetOffsetX=0.00144494226467 
pset ./marx DetOffsetY=0.92116747011 
pset ./marx DetOffsetZ=0.88436540709 
pset ./marx AspectBlur=0.19

When I use the command marx @@./marx.par, everything goes well but
obs.par file is not created inside marx_output_i0000.dir.

It works for an INTERNAL dither.

After some communication I could find that the code works correctly with a marx executable that's compiled with gcc, but it fails with a marx executable that's compiled with clang. (default compiler on mac).

hamogu commented 8 years ago

Variants of the "obs.par not created" were reported to marx-help by two more users.

hamogu commented 7 years ago

close my commit directly to the master branch.