Chandra-MARX / marx

Chandra X-ray Observatory ray-trace simulator
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Remove files generated from CalDB from repro #4

Open hamogu opened 9 years ago

hamogu commented 9 years ago

Those files are several MB large, binary chunks. They are auto-generated from caldb, so I don't need to version control the content, just the scripts that generate them and the caldb version used (How?). Also, is now superceeded by The S-lang script can be removed.

hamogu commented 9 years ago

Be careful here. Currently, I also use git to make the tarball and that will (by default) only include the files that are tracked by git. So, if I want to remove these binaries, I have to change the way we make tarballs, too.

hamogu commented 8 years ago

The above and be addressed by making tarballs with GNU autotools.