ChannelFinder / ChannelFinderService

A RESTful directory services for a list channels
MIT License
8 stars 13 forks source link

Channel Finder

A simple directory service

ChannelFinder is a directory server, implemented as a REST style web service. Its intended use is within control systems, namely the EPICS Control system, for which it has been written.

API reference guide


ChannelFinder is a Java EE5 REST-style web service. The directory data is held in a ElasticSearch index.

Collected installation recipes and notes may be found on wiki pages.

Checkout and build ChannelFinder service source

git clone cd ChannelFinderService mvn clean install

#### Start the service  

* Using spring boot via Maven

mvn spring-boot:run

* or using the jar

java -jar target/ChannelFinder-4.7.0.jar

The above command will start the channelfinder service on port 8080 with the default settings,
which use embedded ldap server with users and roles defined in the [`cf.ldif`](src/main/resources/cf.ldif) file.
Note that `cf.ldif` contains **default credentials** and should only be used during testing and evaluation.

#### Verification

To check that the server is running correctly.

$ curl --fail-with-body http://localhost:8080/ChannelFinder { "name" : "ChannelFinder Service", "version" : "4.7.0", "elastic" : { "status" : "Connected", "clusterName" : "elasticsearch", "clusterUuid" : "sA2L_cpoRD-H46c_Mya3mA", "version" : "8.2.0" } } $ curl --fail-with-body http://localhost:8080/ChannelFinder/resources/tags [] $ curl --basic -u admin:1234 --fail-with-body -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -X PUT -d '{"name":"foo", "owner":"admin"}' \ http://localhost:8080/ChannelFinder/resources/tags/foo ... $ curl --fail-with-body http://localhost:8080/ChannelFinder/resources/tags [{"name":"foo","owner":"admin","channels":[]}] $ curl --basic -u admin:1234 --fail-with-body -X DELETE \ http://localhost:8080/ChannelFinder/resources/tags/foo

#### Start up options  

You can start the channelfinder service with your own file as follows:  

mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring.config.location=file:./


java -Dspring.config.location=file:./ -jar ChannelFinder-4.7.0.jar

You can also start up channelfinder with demo data using the command line argument `demo-data` followed by an integer number `n`. For example, `--demo-data=n`. With this argument, `n*1500` channels will be created to simulate some of the most common types of devices found in accelerators like magnets, power supplies, etc...  

java -jar target/ChannelFinder-4.7.0.jar --demo-data=1 java -jar target/ChannelFinder-4.7.0.jar --cleanup=1

mvn spring-boot:run"--demo-data=1" mvn spring-boot:run"--cleanup=1"

#### Integration tests with Docker containers

Purpose is to have integration tests for ChannelFinder API with Docker.

See `src/test/java` and package
* `org.phoebus.channelfinder.docker`

Integration tests start docker containers for ChannelFinder and Elasticsearch and run http requests (GET) and curl commands (POST, PUT, DELETE) towards the application to test behavior (read, list, query, create, update, remove) and replies are received and checked if content is as expected.

There are tests for properties, tags and channels separately and in combination.

Integration tests can be run in IDE and via Maven.

mvn failsafe:integration-test -DskipITs=false

* [How to run Integration test with Docker](src/test/resources/
* [Tutorial for Integration test with Docker](src/test/resources/

#### ChannelFinder data managment

The [cf-manager]( project provides tools to perform operations on large queries ( potentially the entire directory ).
Some examples of these operations include running checks to validate the pv names or producing reports about the number of active PVs, a list of IOC names, etc..

### Release ChannelFinder Server binaries to maven central

The Phoebus ChannelFinder service uses the maven release plugin to prepare the publish the ChannelFinder server binaries to maven central
using the sonatype repositories.


Create a sonatype account and update the maven settings.xml file with your sonatype credentials
phoebus-releases shroffk *******

**Prepare the release**  
`mvn release:prepare`  
In this step will ensure there are no uncommitted changes, ensure the versions number are correct, tag the scm, etc..
A full list of checks is documented [here](

**Perform the release**  
`mvn release:perform`  
Checkout the release tag, build, sign and push the build binaries to sonatype.

Open the staging repository in [sonatype]( and hit the *publish* button