ChaosMarc / D2VersionChanger

Diablo 2 Version Changer (Classic 1.00 - LoD 1.14d)
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Diablo 2 VersionChanger by ChaosMarc

With this tool you are able to switch easily between all patch versions of Diablo 2 from 1.00 Classic to 1.14d LoD, install PlugY and create shortcuts to start specific patches.


Caution: If installed with the new v1.14 digital installers by Blizzard you cannot downgrade your Diablo 2 installation to older patches. When starting the game you will receive only an empty error window. To fix this either use the included MPQFix [8] or install the game with your CDs or the old v1.12 digital installers which can be downloaded in all official languages here


Run the VersionChanger.bat and select a number/character in square brackets at the beginning of a line.


For questions or suggestions please create an issue at Github or email me:
