Chaparroa / hw_assignment_2

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FEWD Week #4: JavaScript Basics


The team from Relaxr is back...again! They want their page to be more interactive and asked you to add JavaScript to their source code. You've been given the HTML and CSS but will need to create a JavaScript file and add a few different pieces of interactivity: Users should be able to click a link and have the remainder of the blog's content slide down and appear on the page, both on the main content column and the side bar; users should also be able hide the content when they are finished reading. See a detailed technical explanation below.

If you are feeling inspired and also want some HTML and CSS review feel free to either:

We love to see your creativity in the homework assignments, but please remember if you are going to move away from the Relaxr blog you must still meet the technical requirements.

Real-World Applications

Technical Requirements


Evaluation / Submission

Please use the same folder and GitHub repository that you used for the previous project ("homework-landingpage"). When ready for evaluation, please push your code to that repository and notify Melissa and I via slack with the link.

We will evaluate against the solution code, and your use of technical elements. We will provide a numeric grade on a scale: does not meet expectations (0); meets expectations (1); exceeds expectations (2).

The maximum possible score on this assignment is 16/16. Bonus materials are completely optional.

Final Project Milestone 1

The first Milestone for the Final Project is due on Monday, August 29, 2016. Please hand in a wireframe (via Slack) with notes directly on it, or as an additional page. Combined, the two components should convey:

Remeber, there is an example wireframe in the class repo.

Bonus Challenges

Challenge 1 - Moderate

Add more jQuery effects to the existing Relaxr site.

Challenge 2 - Hard

Practice your plain vanilla JavaScript skills. Try meeting all of the technical requirements using just JavaScript without jQuery. If you do this option please make sure you still submit the original assignment with jQuery and then submit this in a separate folder. Here is a resource to help get you started Note that writing 'slide down' and 'slide up' methods can be very challenging without jQuery. Try starting with simply showing and hiding. Then if you are feeling up to the challenge try animating with JavaScript.