As a user, I want to be able to edit my make up look.
WHEN the user clicks the EDIT button
THEN they should be redirected to the LookForm page
AND the user will be able to make changes to the board
AND when the user clicks the SAVE button then they will be redirected to the singlelook view
Dev Notes
In App.js
[ ] Create a private route for edit singleLook component will be in LookForm
In BoardForm.js
[ ] In componentDidMount
[ ] Deconstruct lookId
[ ] Write a conditional that will grab the lookId from a singleLook
[ ] Within the then I will set the state of each arbitrary object key to the response that I receive back
[ ] catch errors
[ ] create editLookEvent function that will pass an event through.
[ ] Deconstruct lookId.
[ ] Make editLook variable and set the state of each object key to the arbitrary keys in state.
[ ] Grab the uid from authData.
[ ] call updateLook and pass in the boardId and editLook(that we just made)
[ ] In the then: push a new entry so that I'm redirecting the user to (/look/:lookId)
[ ] Catch errors
In Render:
[ ] Use a tertiary to toggle between the edit and save look button
In Look.js
[ ] make sure the EDIT button is changed to a LINK tag with the edit route.
WHEN the user clicks the EDIT button THEN they should be redirected to the LookForm page AND the user will be able to make changes to the board AND when the user clicks the SAVE button then they will be redirected to the singlelook view
Dev Notes
In App.js
In BoardForm.js
[ ] In componentDidMount
[ ] Deconstruct lookId
[ ] Write a conditional that will grab the lookId from a singleLook
[ ] Within the then I will set the state of each arbitrary object key to the response that I receive back
[ ] catch errors
[ ] create editLookEvent function that will pass an event through.
[ ] Deconstruct lookId.
[ ] Make editLook variable and set the state of each object key to the arbitrary keys in state.
[ ] Grab the uid from authData.
[ ] call updateLook and pass in the boardId and editLook(that we just made)
[ ] In the then: push a new entry so that I'm redirecting the user to (/look/:lookId)
[ ] Catch errors
In Render:
In Look.js