CharityBunyon / Create-Beauty

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Front-end Capstone: "Create Beauty"


Have you ever completed a makeup look and you received so many compliments that you wanted to cherish it forever? Well welcome to Create Beauty, the beauty application that allows you to store your look creation, rate them, and share them with others!

User must log in to the app via Google in order to view, upload, edit, delete, or add a look to their profile page.

The landing page of the app showcase the models of the brand, a message from the CEO, and a collage of some of the brands creators that have tags them via their social media handler. The landing page was designed to make sure that the aura of this application match the aura of a actual makeup site.

In order to make my application fun and engaging for my users, I add makeup mood ratings to the upload process so that users may rate their new creations. The makeup mood ratings are: Au Natural, That Bitch, G.O.A.T(Greatest Of All Time), Classic, Snatched, and Yasss Queen. All of the ratings are slang or flamboyant terms used in the makeup community that are used to compliment others talent and design skills.

Technologies Used


Main Page (not auth) on load

CEO Section (not auth) about

Creator Collage Section (not auth) ceators

Home Page of All Looks (authed) makeup looks

Single Look Page (authed) single look

Create/Edit Look Form (authed) single look


Preview the app here!
