Charleon / nodecg-speedcontrol

speedrun marathon overlay for nodecg
8 stars 3 forks source link

!!ATTENTION All development has moved to!!

!!ATTENTION All development has moved to!!

!!ATTENTION All development has moved to!!



For specific information about how to customize and operate speedcontrol, please check the README files in the below location:


Please also give feedback on what more information you would like to be contained in the readme:s


Speedcontrol is a nodecg bundle developed for the speedrunning scene which helps the people organizing the stream for marathons greatly by automating tasks that would before would have meant manual work for people working with the overlay / stream side of things. Features include, but are not limited to:

Installation (including installation of NodeCG)

There are two prerequisites to get SpeedControl and NodeCG working.

To install NodeCG: type, in this order:

‘npm install nodecg-cli -g’
’nodecg setup’
‘npm install’ 
‘npm install -g bower’
‘bower install’

for the tech-savy, know that ’nodecg setup’ runs ’git clone’ under the hood, which means that the ’nodecg setup’ command needs to be executed from a fresh folder not containing anything.

To install speedcontrol, do the following: In the prompt, type

‘nodecg install charleon/nodecg-speedcontrol’

Whenever you want to start NodeCG open the git bash prompt in the nodecg folder and type nodecg start (or node index.js). You can minimize the prompt if you'd like but it has to be running for NodeCG to work. If you get tired of doing this each time you want to start the server, you can make a shortcut to nodejs.exe in the nodejs installation folder and then in the properties of the shortcut, throw in the full path to nodecg/index.js. This will enable you to start the server with just a doubleclick!

The above step set up a local server on your computer so you can now test it out! either in your browser (Chrome is the only one that gives the CORRECT result), or in xSplit or OBS For OBS you need the CLR Browser Plugin, but the latest xSplit version already has support to add web url:s using the "Add page URL.." option.

If I make an update to speedcontrol, or whenever you want to be sure you have the latest version installed, open the git bash window in nodecg/bundles/nodecg-speedcontrol and type in “git pull” to fetch all the newest changes! (yes, it’s that easy)

Instructional Videos / Introduction

Used at marathons

Pre-ESA Marathon

BSG Monthly #1

BSG Monthly #2

GTA Marathon 2016


Developed by Charleon

Contributions by: