CharlesHolbrow / monode

Monome/Arc toolkit in node.js
MIT License
18 stars 2 forks source link


monome grid/arc toolkit

Monode makes monome device discovery/interaction trivial and fun. lol wut?

Getting Started

$ npm install monode
$ node
> monode = require('monode')();
// now plug your monome grid in
> monode.grid.led(0, 0, 1);
// now plug your arc in
> monode.arc.led(0, 0, 1);   // turn on
> monode.arc.level(0, 1, 8); // set level

Getting Started With Better Practices

monode emits a 'device' event when a monome device is ready to use.

// light grid led on key press
var monodeInit = require('monode');
var monode = monodeInit();

monode.on('device', function(device) {
  device.on('key', function(x, y, s) {
    device.led(x, y, s);

Connected devices also accessible through the monode.devices object

console.log('Device IDs:', Object.keys(monode.devices));


Device Methods

device.led(x, y, state)

// turn on led at position 0, 4
device.led(0, 4, 1);
// turn off again
device.led(0, 4, 0);

device.level(x, y, intensity)

// set led level IF the device supports it
device.level(0, 0, 8)


// close the server listening for messages from the device
// in most cases, you won't need this as it will happen
// automagically when you exit node.js

device.osc.send(address, val1, val2, ...)

// send arbitrary osc message to serialosc
device.osc.send(device.prefix + '/grid/led/all', 1);

Device Properties

// Read-only properties
device.width  // integer - for arc, this is the same as size
device.height // integer - for arc this is always 64   // string
device.port   // integer     // string ex: "m0000164"
device.type   // string ex: "monome arc 2", "monome 64"
device.isArc  // bool
device.ready  // bool
device.size   // integer, arc only, 2 or 4
device.osc    // [node-osc Client](

// Assignable properties
device.rotation // integer - grid only - 0, 90, 180, or 270
device.prefix   // string - set or get

// Assignable properties update asynchronously.
// An event will be fired when when the update occurs.
// Set rotation by assigning 0, 90, 180, 270
> device.on('rotation', function(value){
>  console.log('rotation changed to:', value);
> });
> console.log(device.rotation);
> device.rotation = 180; console.log(device.rotation);
rotation changed to: 180

Device Events


// arc encoder delta
device.on('enc', function(n, delta){
  console.log('Arc turn:', n, delta);


// grid and arc 2011
device.on('key', function(x, y, s){
  if (device.isArc) console.log('Arc push:', x, y);
  else console.log('Grid Key:', x, y, s);


// arc or grid
device.on('tilt', function(n, x, y, z){
  console.log('tilt:', n, x, y, z);


// similar to the monode "disconnect" event
device.on('disconnect', function(device){
  console.log('device disconnected:', device);

prefix and rotation

// prefix and rotation work the same way
device.on('prefix', function(prefix){
  console.log('prefix changed to:', prefix);


// ready is similar to the monode "device" event
// use the monode "device" event to get devices...
device.on('ready', function(device){
  // assert(device.ready);
  // assert(device.width);
  console.log('device is ready:', device);

monode Properties


A convenience property -- the most recently added monome grid. Usefull when fooling around in the console.


A convenience property -- the most recently added monome arc.

monode Events


// triggered once the device has configured itself with width, height, etc
monode.on('device', function(device){
  console.log('A device was connected, and is ready to use')
  console.log('Port:', device.port);
  console.log('Dimentions:', device.width, device.height)


// not recomended - just use "device" instead
monode.on('connect', function(device){
  // port, width, height will still be undefinded
  console.log('a device was connected:', device);
  device.on('ready', function(){
    console.log('Yay, now we can use it!');


monode.on('disconnect', function(device){
  console.log('A device was disconnected:', device);


Requires serialosc 1.2a or later. Serialosc 1.4 or later recommended

mac win linux


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Release History


Copyright (c) 2013 Charles Holbrow
Licensed under the MIT license.