Try for your interviews -- it's free!
CodeRev is a lightweight tool to help you organize and conduct technical interviews using code reviews rather than leetcode.
In the age of StackOverflow and ChatGPT, is leetcode really the best way to evaluate technical candidates?
Was it ever?
Code review as interview has many benefits for any engineering team:
Why use CodeRev? Why not just a GitHub repo?
Development can be done locally using the Firebase CLI emulators.
as web/.env
and add your Firebase config.# Start the emulators in on console
cd web
yarn # Restore
yarn dev
# Start the backend
firebase emulators:start --only auth,firestore,functions,hosting,storage \
--import .data/firebase --export-on-exit
You'll need a Firebase project to deploy:
# From web:
yarn generate # This will generate the static routes.
# From the root:
firebase deploy
# Deploy only the hosting (making a front-end change):
firebase deploy --only hosting
💡 Note: Functions isn't necessary; I started the project thinking I may need it, but you can ignore it and remove it. You won't be charged for it either way if you deploy it with functions.
Functions framework allows the SSR backend to run on the server. However, this is currently not needed for CodeRev.
To enable, swap the hosting
"source": "web",
"ignore": [
"frameworksBackend": {
"region": "us-central1"
Storage requires that you set up CORS when using a custom domain.
Create the bucket
and then follow this guide:
Instead of doing it from the command line, you can use the Cloud Shell in console and open an editor in browser.
Create a file cors.json
"origin": [""],
"method": ["GET"],
"maxAgeSeconds": 3600
From the console, run:
gcloud storage buckets update gs:// --cors-file=cors.json