Chassis / memcache

A Chassis extension to install and configure memcached on your server.
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chassis chassis-extension memcache php


A Chassis extension to install and configure memcached on your server.


  1. Add this extension to your extensions directory
  2. Run vagrant provision
  3. Set up your content/object-cache.php to point to the memcache object-cache.php. This is not done automatically, as Chassis never touches your content directory, but it's super simple to set up:

    if ( ! empty( $GLOBALS['memcached_servers'] ) )
        require_once dirname( ABSPATH ) . '/extensions/memcache/object-cache.php';

    (Note that this also ensures the extension was loaded successfully.)

  4. Create a local-config.php file in extensions/memcache then configure it:

    For memcache

    $memcached_servers = [ "hostname:11211" ];

    For memcached

    $memcached_servers = [ [ '', 11211 ] ];

  5. Make sure you set define( 'WP_CACHE', true ); in your root local-config.php.