ChatSecure / RubDub

A Node XMPP Push Service for XEP-0357: Push Notifications
The Unlicense
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A simple XMPP Push Service for XEP-0357: Push Notifications .

What does this do?

Interoperability between XMPP Push Notifications and the ChatSecure app server.

  1. This has a super simple XMPP server that accepts s2s connections. It only looks for incoming pubsub notifications.
  2. It parses these stanzas and finds the ChatSecure Push token.
  3. It then takes that token and sends POST to the ChatSecure Push Server /messages endpoint.


npm install


node src/index.js -p [PORT] -b [BIND_ADDRESS] -d [DOMAIN] -k [TLS_KEY_PATH] -c [TLS_CERT_PATH]