ChemBioHTP / IntEnzyDB

This git repo is used to build the workflow for merging two existing databases, protein structure databank and kinetics databank.
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This git repo is used to build the workflow for merging two existing databases, protein structure databank and kinetics databank.

The second week

Problems: how to pull pdb data from URL and extract useful data, like atom and SEQRES. Two parts are focus in this week.

  1. The first part is to research on the documentation of package pypdb which is "A Python API for the RCSB Protein Data Bank". So I looked all the function, find get_pdb_file() function which can download specific pdb entry in specific format.
  2. The next part is that I didn't find any related function in package pypdb which is able to solve our problems. So I wrote my own function using basic way, like list and loop to solve this probelm and get a list of atom and SEQRES which is what we want.

The third week

Problems: I want to change the list I got into a dataframe which is doable and add columns to include id then merge multiple pdb. file.

This week from 2020.10.11 to 2020.10.12, I worked on how to use pandas package to manipulate data, like mergeing two data frames.

  1. So I first used split() function to convert all the lists I got from last week into a pandas dataframs. I used split() to split a long string by white space. Then use pd.DataFrame() function to convert it. And use concat() to merge multiple dataframes.

  2. I look around MdTraj package to do some data manipulation, like loading pdb file into memroy from URL, getting topology strcture to convert atoms into pandas dataframe, using stom_slice() to slice atoms by indexs and so on.

The fourth week

Problems: We want to include all atoms and hetatms into one data frame.

  1. I wrote two functions to return all info.

    • get_all_atom() would return all atom, inclduing hetatm, ter, namely the whole part will be returned.
    • get_atom_and_hetatm() only return atom and hetatm.
  2. I wrote a class of one pdb file which has all the methods which can return the desired attribution of one pdb file. And I tested all of them. They worked well.

The fifth week

Problems: We want to create two tables for each pdb file, one is called general table, another is called atom_htmatm table and merge multiple of them into one longer table.

  1. I wrote one function called get_general_table() which gets all the desired fields inclduing residue sequences.

  2. Another function is called get_atom_hetatm_table() which only includes atom and htmatm, this table also joins with another atom mass table, the final table can show each atom mass.

At last, I fixed a bug from the previous week, our get_missing_residue() function can accommodate more missing residue types.

The eighth week

  1. I found a bug in get_enzyme_type() method, some PDB files have multiple words for enzyme type splitted by one white space. So I chose the Date as the separator to clip the enzyme type on the first line.

  2. The second bug is in get_general_table() method, some PDB files don't have missing residues parts, so I added if isinstance(Missing, str) or Missing is None: extra condition to deal with this situation when it doesn't have missing residues.

  3. I added one extra column name which is the original sign of atom side by the full atomic name column called Name in the data frame returned by get_atom_hetatm_table() method at the same time I changed the function from join() to merge() when I concatenate two pandas data frames.

  4. Show the atomic table in the file which can be used to merge with atom and hetatm table.

  5. We found that the average time of process random 100 PDB files is 248.84s. So from the formula, we have in the email you sent me, I calculated we need around 5 days to extract all general table and atom and hetatm tabled of 170k PDB files.

  6. I found that there were a couple of PDB files which are None, so I wrote some control flows to raise warnings when the PDB files are None. After searching on the RCSB PDB website, we found that this PDB has a corresponding file, but because of the huge file size, we can't access the PDB format as other files. It only provides PDBx format which is beyond our current class capacity.

  7. I also found there are some PDB files which have a PDB format file but lack some desired fields. I wrote some control flows to handle the issue. When the field we want is a lack in the PDB file, we raise warnings to tell users that this field is missing in this file.

  8. I found another bug in get_name() method when the name in the PDB file has multiple lines to be recorded. So I added additional codes to deal with this situation if ";" in res:. We can test this situation using pdb("100d").get_name() and we get the result DNA/RNA (5'-R(*CP*)-D(*CP*GP*GP*CP*GP*CP*CP*GP*)-R(*G)-3').

  9. We want to write a check function or process, but I have my own opinion, first, I found this is a very hard process, because there are a lot of PDB files and their formats in PDB file are not unified, there is no standard format in these PDB files. So a function or process which can check each entry extracted from these methods is still biased and not accurate. So I suggest we correct and fix bugs when we find them while we use these tables.