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[FEATURE] Partner Font Color Customization #37

Open vangotango opened 3 years ago

vangotango commented 3 years ago

Hi! I know this might sound like an odd request, but I wanted to pitch the idea of allowing us to alter our partner's font colors (if possible, on our specific client-side of things). I've had some trouble with accessibility in the past, vis a vis partners choosing colors that are too bright/aggressive on my eyes, and it would make using the site a thousand times easier for me if I could alter the color in some way on my end. I imagine it would work similarly to font styles, in that our partner is neither aware of nor sees the changes we make, but I can't say I know the first thing about how this would actually be coded in. I just know it would benefit me (and likely other users with similar visual disorders/impairments) to have the option available, when need be. Thanks for your time!

(As an addendum, I noticed someone requesting that we're given the ability to disable font colors altogether, but I prefer having SOME color to distinguish replies! I figured that counted as a different issue, I hope the distinction is passable enough.)