CherpChat / IssueBoard

Public facing issue board for, bring bugs here.
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Cherp - Bugs and Feature Requests

Welcome! This GitHub repo is intended to serve as an easy way to see known bugs and report new ones. In addition, you can request new features here.



If you encounter a bug on Cherp, first search the issue list to see if someone has reported it. Include closed issues in your search.

If it has been reported - give it a thumbs up so we know how many people are experiencing it and help us prioritise. If you have extra info to add, please do!

If it's not been reported - create a new issue, using the template. Give as much information as possible to help us track it down.

We'll need at least the following:

Feature Requests

If you're asking for a new feature, first search the issue list to see if someone has already asked. Include closed issues in your search.

If it has been asked for - go ahead and put your two cents in for the existing entry.

If it hasn't been asked for - Submit a new issue using the appropriate template. Please be as detailed as possible.