Chew / DIRCord

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When pinning a message from anything from the bot, discordrb thinks you edited a message. #28

Open soarn opened 5 years ago

soarn commented 5 years ago

When you pin a message (message can be from bot, webhook, or yourself), then the bot sends you a DM saying: "Hey, you just edited a message, just wanted to let you know that IRC users don't see the edited message, only the original. Thanks!"

Possible fixes:
1️⃣ The bot says that IRC users can't see pins. 2️⃣ The bot doesn't say anything.

Chew commented 5 years ago

I can't reproduce this

Chew commented 5 years ago

I can now, this was poorly reported. This only happens when you pin a webhook message

soarn commented 5 years ago

I am able to produce this with my messages as well, not just webhook message. Version: latest Server: owned by me; not bot created

Chew commented 5 years ago

This isn't really our issue