Chew / DIRCord

Turn your Discord client into an amazing IRC Client (since IRC Is superior)
2 stars 1 forks source link


The only IRC Client you'll ever need, guaranteed!


Missing Features

Check the issues to see what I'm planning next, or to suggest new things!


Setup Guide

Setting up the Environment

Before we get to the actual setup, we need to set up our program environment.

Ubuntu Setup

1) Open up your CLI, and run sudo apt update to make sure that all of your packages are up to date.

2) git clone

3) Enter the directory with cd DIRCord

Now that this is set up, off to getting the program ready. We have 2 paths for this, you can take the lazy (yet most efficient) way by using the convient setup file, otherwise you can do it all manually.

Automatic Setup

0) Copy your Discord user ID, you'll need it for later.

1) Run ruby setup.rb. Make sure to follow all the steps for Discord AND IRC.

2) Run ruby main.rb to start.

3) Sit back and enjoy DIRCord!

Manual Setup

1) Create a server on Discord, make note of the server's ID, you'll need it for later.

2) Make note of your user ID from Discord, you'll need it for later.

3) Go to the Discord Developer Portal and make a new application, give it a name and an avatar if you want. Then, head to the Bot section, then click create a bot. Make note of the Copy button underneath where it says bot token, you'll need this for later.

4) Invite the bot to the server, if you don't know how to do that, go to the OAuth2 tab, scroll down and click Bot, scroll down, and click on the Administrator permission box. Copy the new URL between the 2 boxes and open this URL. Add it to your server you made in step 1.

5) Run ruby requiregems.rb if prompted to install the gems, respond with y for all.

6) Run cp config.example.yaml config.yaml, this will copy the example config file into your config file.

7) Using a text editor (such as Atom) or a command line editor (such as nano, emacs, or vim) open the config.yaml file and fill it out.

8) Run ruby main.rb to start.

9) Enjoy DIRCord!

Your console on running

Will die, like ouch.

Discord reports about 3 things on start-up, and then any errors it finds in running.

IRC however, oh boy. On Startup, it will put a BUNCH OF STUFF in the console that probably makes no sense to you, I know it makes no sense to me.

Then, every 2 mins or so, it will "ping" the server, and get a "pong" back.
