ChildMindInstitute / mindlogger-backend

Browser-based interface for administering MindLogger's back-end
8 stars 4 forks source link
matter-lab mindlogger

|logo| Girder for MindLogger |github-version| |license-badge| |codecov-badge| |build-status|

Data Management Platform


  1. Requirements <#requirements>_
  2. Installation <#installation>_
  3. Deployment <#deployment>_
  4. Data Structure <#data-structure>_
  5. Links <#links>_
  6. Contributing <./CONTRIBUTING.rst>_
  7. Girder Source <#girder-source>_



Linux/Mac #########

  1. Create and activate a virtual environment (replace ~/girder_env if you want your virtual environment somewhere else). On launches after the first, only the line beginning with source is necessary.

    .. code-block:: shell

    python3 -m venv ~/girder_env source ~/girder_env/bin/activate pip install -U pip setuptools

  2. Start MongoDB.

    .. code-block:: shell

    mongod &

  3. From the root of this repository, install and build Girder for MindLogger.

    .. code-block:: shell

    pip install -e . girderformindlogger build

    Note: if pip install -e . fails with assert tag is not None, 'cant parse version %s' % tag from setuptools_scm <>_, check for git tags with -s and delete those tags or replace them with +s.

  4. Start Girder for MindLogger.

    .. code-block:: shell

    girderformindlogger serve

  5. When you're finished

    1. kill Girder for MindLogger,

      <Ctrl> + c

    2. kill MongoDB, and

      .. code-block:: shell


      <Ctrl> + c

    3. deactivate your virtual environment.

    .. code-block:: shell


Windows #######

  1. In Windows Powershell, create and activate a virtual environment (replace $HOME\girder_env if you want your virtual environment somewhere else). On launches after the first, only the line ending with Activate.ps1 is necessary.

    .. code-block:: shell

    python3 -m venv $HOME\girder_env $HOME\girder_env\Scripts\Activate.ps1 pip install -U pip setuptools

  2. Start MongoDB.

    .. code-block:: shell


  3. Open a new PowerShell terminal and navigate to the root of this repository. Reactivate the virtual environment and then install and build Girder for MindLogger.

    .. code-block:: shell

    $HOME\girder_env\Scripts\Activate.ps1 pip install -e . girderformindlogger build

  4. Start Girder for MindLogger.

    .. code-block:: shell

    girderformindlogger serve

  5. When you're finished

    1. kill Girder for MindLogger

      <Ctrl> + c

    2. kill MongoDB

      <Ctrl> + c

    3. deactivate your virtual environment.

    .. code-block:: shell



The database and api can be run using docker-compose for local development purposes.

  1. make sure docker is running. For example:

    .. code-block:: shell

    docker -v Docker version 20.10.7, build f0df350

  2. run the db and api.

    .. code-block:: shell

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.local.yml up

The first time this command is run will take a few minutes as the images are downloaded and built.

  1. make some changes to your local code and restart the girderformindlogger container to see the changes.

    .. code-block:: shell

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.local.yml restart girderformindlogger


.. code-block:: shell

  docker restart mindlogger-backend_girderformindlogger_1


See CONTRIBUTING.rst#deployment <./CONTRIBUTING.rst#deployment>_.

Elastic Beanstalk #################

If you're updating an existing Girder 2.x instance of Elastic Beanstalk, be sure to change your static files path from clients/web/static to girderformindlogger/web_client/static/.

Data Structure

Girder for MindLogger uses reprolib <>_ and has the following underlying data structure. Note: This project is still in version 0 and these descriptions and diagrams may sometimes diverge from the actual data structure as we develop.

The diagram below shows how the reproschema classes (protocol <#protocol>, activity <#activity> and screen <#screen>) fit between the user handling (access and customization, in applet <#applet> in the Girder for Mindlogger backend) and the display implementation (the UI components handled in the front-end applications).

.. image:: :alt: applet → protocol → activity → screen → UI components displays a comprehensive list of currently available API calls including parameters, notes about what the operations do, and notes about deprecation.

In transit between the (access-controlled) API and the (BSON storage) database, all data in MindLogger are shaped into one or more of the data models defined in the submodules of girderformindlogger.models <>_. Here is a brief overview of those data models. Rather than duplicate documentation provided elsewhere (and risk sliding out of sync), links are provided to further documentation where appropriate.

Because all of these data are stored in BSON, arbitrary additional keys and values can be included in an instance of any of the data models. For models unique to MindLogger (ie, involved in implementation beyond the protocol level), a data dictionary is provided here.

activity ########

An Activity as defined in reproschema <>, stored as a Girder folder <#folder>.

cached is autogenerated once the activity is parsed on the server.

api_key #######

A model inherited from Girder <>_.


An access-controlled, potentially customized, implementation of a protocol <#protocol> within MindLogger, stored as a Girder folder <#folder>.

+------------------------+----------+-----------+---------------+ | Attribute Name | Required | Type | Autogenerated | +========================+==========+===========+===============+ | {keys required for | true | {various} | {mostly} | | Girder Folders} | | | | +------------------------+----------+-----------+---------------+ | meta.applet | true | dict | false | +------------------------+----------+-----------+---------------+ | meta.protocol | true | dict | false | +------------------------+----------+-----------+---------------+ | roles | true | dict | true | +------------------------+----------+-----------+---------------+ | cached | true | dict | true | +------------------------+----------+-----------+---------------+

meta.protocol defines the protocol for the the applet.

meta.applet defines applet-level customization, including scheduling.

roles is an Object with the following structure, where the innermost array is populated with ObjectIds:

.. code-block:: JSON

  "coordinator": {
    "groups": []
  "editor": {
    "groups": []
  "manager": {
    "groups": []
  "reviewer": {
    "groups": []
  "user": {
    "groups": []

cached is autogenerated once the applet is parsed on the server.

assetstore ##########

A model inherited from Girder <>_.

assignment ##########

Deprecated. Do not use.

collection ##########

A model inherited from Girder <>_.


A model inherited from Girder <>_.


A model inherited from Girder <>_.


A model inherited from Girder <>_.

ID_code #######

In order to protect user privacy, reviewers cannot see any information from a profile <#profile> or its underlying user <#user>. Rather, users are identified through ID codes which are tied to profiles. ID codes need not be unique, and a profile can have more than one ID code. ID codes are autogenerated if not supplied through the API.

+----------------+----------+----------+---------------+ | Attribute Name | Required | Type | Autogenerated | +================+==========+==========+===============+ | _id | true | ObjectId | true | +----------------+----------+----------+---------------+ | code | true | string | optional | +----------------+----------+----------+---------------+ | profileId | true | ObjectId | false | +----------------+----------+----------+---------------+ | created | true | datetime | true | +----------------+----------+----------+---------------+ | updated | true | datetime | true | +----------------+----------+----------+---------------+

invitation ##########

An invitation is a single-use document, tied to a particular applet and user role, that persists until someone accepts or declines. If an invitation is accepted, a profile is created for the user who accepted the invitation if one does not already exist, and the user is inducted into a group authorizing the role in the applet as defined in the invitation. Invitations also include information about who created the invitation and when.

+------------------------+----------+----------+---------------+ | Attribute Name | Required | Type | Autogenerated | +========================+==========+==========+===============+ | _id | true | ObjectId | true | +------------------------+----------+----------+---------------+ | appletId | true | ObjectId | false | +------------------------+----------+----------+---------------+ | role | true | string | false | +------------------------+----------+----------+---------------+ | invitedBy | true | dict | true | +------------------------+----------+----------+---------------+ | coordinatorDefined | false | dict | false | +------------------------+----------+----------+---------------+ | created | true | datetime | true | +------------------------+----------+----------+---------------+ | updated | true | datetime | true | +------------------------+----------+----------+---------------+


A model inherited from Girder <>_.

model_base ##########

A model inherited from Girder <>_.

notification ############

A model inherited from Girder <>_.

profile #######

A profile stores information specific to the intersection of a user <#user> and an applet <#applet>. The API should handle selecting the appropriate value for customizable fields in this order of preference (profile.userDefined is most preferred, component default is least preferred):

profile.userDefined > profile.coordinatorDefined > applet > protocol > activity > screen > component default

Every UI component should have a default in case of a cascade of undefineds all the way down the chain above. If no coordinator-defined or user-defined value is provided for displayName, that field will be auto-populated from the profile's associated user.

+------------------------+----------+----------+---------------+ | Attribute Name | Required | Type | Autogenerated | +========================+==========+==========+===============+ | _id | true | ObjectId | true | +------------------------+----------+----------+---------------+ | appletId | true | ObjectId | false | +------------------------+----------+----------+---------------+ | userId | true | ObjectId | false | +------------------------+----------+----------+---------------+ | profile | true | Boolean | true | +------------------------+----------+----------+---------------+ | coordinatorDefined | false | dict | false | +------------------------+----------+----------+---------------+ | userDefined | false | dict | optional | +------------------------+----------+----------+---------------+ | created | true | datetime | true | +------------------------+----------+----------+---------------+ | updated | true | datetime | true | +------------------------+----------+----------+---------------+

protocol ########

An ActivitySet as defined in reproschema <>, stored as a Girder folder <#folder>.

cached is autogenerated once the protocol is parsed on the server.

protoUser #########

Deprecated. Do not use.

response_folder ###############

The response_folder module contains 2 models: ResponseItem and ResponseFolder.

A ResponseItem is created (as a Girder item <#item>) each time a user completes an activity. ResponseItems are stored in ResponseFolders (each a Girder folder <#folder>) which are access controlled to allow authorized reviewers to see all data they are authorized to see and only data they are authorized to see.


Roles are applet-specific and handled through groups <#group>_. When a new applet is created, the creator of the applet is automatically inducted into all groups with roles for that applet.

An individual, through group memberships, can have any combination of roles per applet and can have roles in any number of applets. Roles that manager users can see limited personal information (eg, displayName). Reviewers see users identified only by ID code. Take care to limit the number of reviewers with user-management permissions to minimize the risk of reidentification.


An Item as defined in reproschema <>, stored as a a Girder item <#item>.

cached is autogenerated once the screen is parsed on the server.


allows admins to manage themes for styling applets. themes are saved in a collection called themes, with a folder for each theme.

adding a new theme

Viewing saved themes (get request) is possible without logging in, but only database administrators for the girderformindlogger instance can add, change or delete themes (i.e.: to use the post, put and delete endpoints). By default the first person to create an account in a girder instance is an admin.

  1. To add a theme, log in to giderformindlogger's GUI with an admin account.

As a site admin, you should see an Admin console link in the left-side navigation bar ( refer to girder docs ).

Important: The 1st theme added to the database is selected as the default theme for all new applets.

  1. Using the API GUI, you can add themes with different logos, colors etc. (see fields here ). Make sure to manually check before posting a new theme that the image urls are publicly accessible and that the image's format is compatible with the appearance in the app.

See an example of the logo, background image and colors applied in the app here:

Below is the mindlogger theme as an example:

name: mindlogger



primaryColor: #0067A0

secondaryColor: #FFFFFF

tertiaryColor: #404040

setting #######

A model inherited from Girder <>_.


A model inherited from Girder <>_.


A model inherited from Girder <>_.


A model inherited from Girder <>_.




Girder Source

This source code is a customization of :octocat: girder/girder@e97b1f7 <>_

Girder is a free and open source web-based data management platform developed by Kitware <> as part of the Resonant <> data and analytics ecosystem.

Documentation of the Girder platform can be found at :closed_book: Read the Docs <>_.

For questions, comments, or to get in touch with the maintainers, head to their Discourse forum <>, or use their Gitter Chatroom <>.

We'd love for you to contribute to Girder <CONTRIBUTING.rst>_.

.. |logo| image:: ./girderformindlogger/web_client/src/assets/ML-logo_25px.png :alt: Girder for MindLogger :target:

.. |kitware-logo| image:: :target: :alt: Kitware Logo

.. |build-status| image:: :target: :alt: Build Status

.. |license-badge| image:: docs/license.png :target: LICENSE :alt: License

.. |codecov-badge| image:: :target: :alt: Coverage Status

.. |github-version| image:: :target: :alt: GitHub version