ChintzRuparel / CloneStagram

A web based clone of Instagram 👾
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What is CloneStagram?🤳

CLONE + INSTAGRAM = CloneStagram

Instagram has become an important and need to know Social Media app. Clonestagram is a clone of Instagram Made in Pure HTML and CSS. It has been deployed using bootstrap and Mutiple Libraries. Javascript was also used but the major languages included HTML and CSS

This Repository was developed in Multiple phases as that can be seen in earlier versions of this REPO 🦦

✔️Deployed Using Netlify

Future Plans👿

Preferred IDE - Download Visual Studio Code

Bootstrap (For Navbar) - Boostrap Documentation

Also A user can Fetch Multiple Components👣

Live Deploy - Check it Out ✅

⚠️ There are Multiple files in this repository which were created in different stages of Devlopment In Dev Stuff

Netlify Deploy Status⏳ - Netlify Status