malior-droid [command] <game|application> <args>
note. kernel config PSI ASHMEM ANDROID_BINDERFS etc... is required
warning. zygisk is not supported, will mess up the container when enabled
'malior-droid whoami' is same as 'adb shell whoami' (root user)
'adb connect localhost:5555' for adb
'scrcpy -s localhost:5555' view redroid screen
help This usage guide
update Update malior redroid image
recreate Recreate malior redroid container
destroy Stop and remove malior redroid container
pause|stop Pause(docker stop) malior redroid container
resume|start Resume(docker start) malior redroid container
restart Restart malior redroid container
resize Resize redroid window e.g. malior-droid resize 1920x1080
install-overlay Overlays, it will be mounted on the rootfs of redroid and stored in ~/.local/malior/redroid_overlay
base: Automatically installed overlay, providing magisk support and gapps support
Manual part
Fixup Magisk installation and reboot (Maybe it takes two times, maybe the host will restart)