ChongYuCN / DarkFear

It's scary when you're in the dark for a long time
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A minecraft fabric mod: 玩家处于亮度小于6的黑暗环境里8秒后,每过2秒受到1点伤害。 以下状态不会被识别:玩家正在骑乘或游泳、游戏前2天. 一分钟内连续3次检测到,则扣除玩家最大生命值90%血量。

为什么会有这个模组? 因为我正在制作一个困难生存冒险整合包,发现很多玩家利用光影的亮度进行作弊。 这些玩家(甚至有的主播)打着“困难生存”的旗号,却用着夜视材质包、光影亮度、亮度调节器等进行作弊,还美其名曰“反骨是玩家的本性。”


When you are in a dark environment(light level less-than 6) without night-vision effect for more than 8 seconds, you will take 1 damage every 2 seconds. The following states will not be recognized: the player is riding or swimming, the first 2 days of the game. If detected three times in a minute, 90% of the player's maximum health will be deducted.

Why does this mod exist? Because I was working on a hard survival adventure modpack and found that a lot of players were using the shaders to cheat. These players (and even some anchors) under the banner of "difficult survival", but with night vision resourcepacks, light and shadow brightness, brightness regulator and so on to cheat, but also beautiful name "anti-bone is the nature of the player."

These cheating players do not spend time studying the gameplay skills, instead of trying to find a way to cheat, it is sad!