Chorus-bdd / Chorus

The Chorus BDD interpreter - Executable specifications for distributed systems
MIT License
37 stars 6 forks source link
bdd bdd-framework bdd-tests chorus distributed-systems gherkin integration-testing integration-tests java javascript testing

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Chorus is a BDD test interpreter with extra capabilities for testing distributed architectures

Chorus is a versatile BDD (Behaviour Driven Development) testing interpreter

Conventional BDD tools require you to provide step definitions locally. This is possible with Chorus too.

However, the Chorus interpreter also allows you to publish step definitions over the network from your components or microservices under test. When the interpreter runs it can connect to your components, find the step definitions and execute them.

Chorus supports both Java (JVM-based) and Javascript components (enabling a direct connection to test Web apps in the browser)

Chorus is ideal for integration testing systems with microservice-based architectures.

Getting Started:

See The Chorus Website for documentation

The Issue Tracking page, for issue tracking!

Chorus is available under the open source MIT license
