ChrGrace / Timed-Quiz

Week 4 homework; creating a timed quiz.
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This website allows users to play a 'simple' (to play, not build!!!) quiz with coding related questions as instructed. It features a timer, a highscore page that is saved to local storage, intuitive buttons, barebones and ugly styling and updating prompts telling the user whether their answers have been correct or incorrect and giving them a total score at the end, assuming they do not run out of time.

What a slog this project has been! And in my usual form I am finishing it off at the very last minute. I wish I could say I understand why everything works, but I'm just happy it does at this stage!

Languages used:

HTML, CSS, JSS and plenty of obscenities.

Webpage URL:

Webpage Screenshot: image.png

Installation: N/A as the application is entirely usable from the browser


User can play this quiz game by first reading the instructions, then clicking the 'start quiz' button. They can then proceed through the multiple choice questions by selecting their desired answer. After each selection the user is provided with immediate feedback on whether or not their last answer was correct or not. At the conclusion of the quiz, the user is given a summery of the total number of questions they answered correctly/incorrectly and are given the opportunity to enter their initials to be saved to the scoreboard. If they choose to do so and click on submit, they are transported via internet magic to a completely unstyled eyeball burningly white page that displays the list of high scores. The user can select either the clear highscore button to wipe local storage, they can select the go back button to be returned to the quiz main screen, or they can simply stay on this page forever and admire their score.


Youtube, stack overflow, W3schools, my dogs, Sid and Jack, my new neighbors screaming children and the father of said screaming children who really loves jumping on the powertools at early hours in the morning. Oh and their stupid little dogs that keep trying to start a fight with my German Shepherds who could swallow them whole but are actually civilised creatures.


Please refer to the LICENSE in the repo. The content might differ slightly


I may have earned a few badges from Pokemon gyms, but you'll have to battle me first to see them :>