Chris-Perkins / Lifting-Buddy

[RELEASED] Customizable iOS App for logging gym days. 🏋️‍♀️
MIT License
8 stars 0 forks source link



View Summaries Graph Progress Edit Workouts Easily
Summary Graph Edit

Lifting Buddy is an iOS application designed to help you keep track of your workout progress.

In this readme and app, "PGM" stands for Progression Method.

App Store Link


To run this application using XCode, you will need to have CocoaPods installed.

  1. Recursively clone the repository
  2. In the project directory, run the command "pod install".
  3. Open the .xcworkspace file

Road Map:

The below roadmap is not in "order of implementation"; I generally work on what I want to.

Process                   Step Notes
Exercise Creation 9/10 Add nice way to choose progression method unit
Optional exercise in workout  0/10  Will require realm migration; Avoiding for now
PGM Max -> Best Conversion  0/10  Will require realm migration; Avoiding for now
One Rep Max Tracker 0/10 Should be implemented on the summary view

Known Bugs

Future plans


Special Thanks

Alex Bridgeman - For giving me the idea for this application. Alex also created the splash screen and launch screen!