ChrisBuilds / terminaltexteffects

TerminalTextEffects (TTE) is a terminal visual effects engine, application, and Python library.
MIT License
2.6k stars 43 forks source link
ascii-art terminal-based visual-effects visualisation


Terminal Text Effects

Inline Visual Effects in the Terminal

PyPI - Version PyPI - Python Version Python Bytes License

Table Of Contents



TerminalTextEffects (TTE) is a terminal visual effects engine. TTE can be installed as a system application to produce effects in your terminal, or as a Python library to enable effects within your Python scripts/applications. TTE includes a growing library of built-in effects which showcase the engine's features. These features include:


TerminalTextEffects is written in Python and does not require any 3rd party modules. Terminal interactions use standard ANSI terminal sequences and should work in most modern terminals.

Note: Windows Terminal performance is slow for some effects.


pip install terminaltexteffects OR pipx install terminaltexteffects

Nix (flakes)

Add it as an input to a flake:

inputs = {
  terminaltexteffects.url = "github:ChrisBuilds/terminaltexteffects/<optional-ref>"

Create a shell with it:

nix shell github:ChrisBuilds/terminaltexteffects/<optional-ref>

Or run it directly:

echo 'terminaltexteffects is awesome' | nix run github:ChrisBuilds/terminaltexteffects/<optional-ref> -- beams

Nix (classic)

Fetch the source and add it to, e.g. your shell:

  pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};

  tte = pkgs.callPackage (pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
    owner = "ChrisBuilds";
    repo = "terminaltexteffects";
    rev = "<revision, e.g. main/v0.10.0/etc.>";
    hash = ""; # Build first, put proper hash in place
  }) {};
  pkgs.mkShell {
    packages = [tte];


View the Documentation for a full installation and usage guide.

Application Quickstart


TTE Command Line Options ```markdown options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --input-file INPUT_FILE, -i INPUT_FILE File to read input from (default: None) --version, -v show program's version number and exit --tab-width (int > 0) Number of spaces to use for a tab character. (default: 4) --xterm-colors Convert any colors specified in RBG hex to the closest XTerm-256 color. (default: False) --no-color Disable all colors in the effect. (default: False) --wrap-text Wrap text wider than the canvas width. (default: False) --frame-rate FRAME_RATE Target frame rate for the animation. (default: 100) --canvas-width WIDTH Canvas width, set to an integer > 0 to use a specific dimension, or use 0, or -1 to set the dimension based off the input data or the terminal device, respectively. (default: -1) --canvas-height WIDTH Canvas height, set to an integer > 0 to use a specific dimension, or use 0, or -1 to set the dimension based off the input data or the terminal device, respectively. (default: -1) --anchor-canvas {sw,s,se,e,ne,n,nw,w,c} Anchor point for the canvas. The canvas will be anchored in the terminal to the location corresponding to the cardinal/diagonal direction. (default: sw) --anchor-text {n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,c} Anchor point for the text within the Canvas. Input text will anchored in the Canvas to the location corresponding to the cardinal/diagonal direction. (default: sw) --ignore-terminal-dimensions Ignore the terminal dimensions and utilize the full Canvas beyond the extents of the terminal. Useful for sending frames to another output handler. (default: False) Effect: Name of the effect to apply. Use -h for effect specific help. {beams,binarypath,blackhole,bouncyballs,bubbles,burn,canvas_test,colorshift,crumble,decrypt,dev,errorcorrect,expand,fireworks,matrix,middleout,orbittingvolley,overflow,pour,print,rain,randomsequence,rings,scattered,slice,slide,spotlights,spray,swarm,synthgrid,test,unstable,vhstape,waves,wipe} Available Effects beams Create beams which travel over the canvas illuminating the characters behind them. binarypath Binary representations of each character move through the terminal towards the home coordinate of the character. blackhole Characters are consumed by a black hole and explode outwards. bouncyballs Characters are bouncy balls falling from the top of the canvas. bubbles Characters are formed into bubbles that float down and pop. burn Burns vertically in the canvas. colorshift Display a gradient that shifts colors across the terminal. crumble Characters lose color and crumble into dust, vacuumed up, and reformed. decrypt Display a movie style decryption effect. errorcorrect Some characters start in the wrong position and are corrected in sequence. expand Expands the text from a single point. fireworks Characters launch and explode like fireworks and fall into place. matrix Matrix digital rain effect. middleout Text expands in a single row or column in the middle of the canvas then out. orbittingvolley Four launchers orbit the canvas firing volleys of characters inward to build the input text from the center out. overflow Input text overflows and scrolls the terminal in a random order until eventually appearing ordered. pour Pours the characters into position from the given direction. print Lines are printed one at a time following a print head. Print head performs line feed, carriage return. rain Rain characters from the top of the canvas. randomsequence Prints the input data in a random sequence. rings Characters are dispersed and form into spinning rings. scattered Text is scattered across the canvas and moves into position. slice Slices the input in half and slides it into place from opposite directions. slide Slide characters into view from outside the terminal. spotlights Spotlights search the text area, illuminating characters, before converging in the center and expanding. spray Draws the characters spawning at varying rates from a single point. swarm Characters are grouped into swarms and move around the terminal before settling into position. synthgrid Create a grid which fills with characters dissolving into the final text. unstable Spawn characters jumbled, explode them to the edge of the canvas, then reassemble them in the correct layout. vhstape Lines of characters glitch left and right and lose detail like an old VHS tape. waves Waves travel across the terminal leaving behind the characters. wipe Wipes the text across the terminal to reveal characters. Ex: ls -a | python -m terminaltexteffects decrypt --typing-speed 2 --ciphertext-colors 008000 00cb00 00ff00 --final-gradient-stops eda000 --final-gradient-steps 12 --final-gradient-direction vertical ```

cat your_text | tte <effect> [options]


cat your_text | python -m terminaltexteffects <effect> [options]

For more information, view the Application Usage Guide.

Library Quickstart

All effects are iterators which return a string representing the current frame. Basic usage is as simple as importing the effect, instantiating it with the input text, and iterating over the effect.

from terminaltexteffects.effects import effect_rain

effect = effect_rain.Rain("your text here")

for frame in effect:
    # do something with the string

In the event you want to allow TTE to handle the terminal setup/teardown, cursor positioning, and animation frame rate, a terminal_output() context manager is available.

from terminaltexteffects.effects import effect_rain

effect = effect_rain.Rain("your text here")
with effect.terminal_output() as terminal:
    for frame in effect:

For more information, view the Library Usage Guide.

Effect Showcase

Note: Below you'll find a subset of the built-in effects.

View all of the effects and related information in the Effects Showroom.





































In-Development Preview

Any effects shown below are in development and will be available in the next release.

Latest Release Notes

Visit the ChangeBlog for release write-ups.

New Features (0.11.0)

New Effects (0.11.0)

New Engine Features (0.11.0)

Changes (0.11.0)

Effects Changes (0.11.0)

Engine Changes (0.11.0)

Effects Fixes (0.11.0)

Other (0.11.0)


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.