ChrisCinelli / branded-qr-code

npm module to create QR Codes with a logo
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Create branded QRcodes

NPM module to create QR Codes with a logo like these...


apple here mrjs supermanemail

playstation smshere nyancat

our-wifi iphonesonebay


yarn add branded-qr-code babel-polyfill


// ESNext Modules
import 'babel-polyfill';
import brandedQRCode from 'branded-qr-code';
// Or old good syntax
// require('babel-polyfill');
// var brandedQRCode = require('branded-qr-code');

// Return a buffer with the PNG of the code
brandedQRCode.generate({text: '', path: 'mylogo.png'});

// For express if you need different logos:
app.get('/qr/:logo', route({ getLogoPath: req => `../images/original/${req.params.logo}.png` }));


Standard express server - Check the demo with npm run demo. Try localhost:3000/qr/twitter?

Batch Processing - Check the demo with npm run demo-generate. Files are saved in demos/generate/output.


// Return a Buffer with the QRCode's PNG
brandedQRCode.generate( opts )
// Return an express route that serves the QRCode's PNG
brandedQRCode.route( opts )


There are some /scripts that can help you to create a better looking logos adding some white margin around it. Just place your logo in /images/original and then, run in order:

  1. npm run resize
  2. npm run gaussian
  3. npm run finalize

You will find your logo nicely padded in /images/final

More about QRcodes

The logo at the center of the QRcode is actually adding noise. The QR code can still be decoded because QR codes have redundant data that readers' error correction algorithms can use. The npm qrcode library supports different levels. Higher levels produce denser the QR codes. From empirical tests you can noticed that using Low (L) usually produces QR codes that are NOT READABLE. Medium (M) is the default and it is usually sufficient. If you have problems, you may want to use quartile (Q) or high (H). You can do it with { errorCorrectionLevel: 'Q' }.

Development notes: