ChrisCummins / phd

👨‍💻 My PhD.
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Update: I have finished my PhD! Please click above for my dissertation, which I'm delighted to say won the award for PhD Award for Best Disseration in Scotland 2019-2020. This repository is now in an archival state.

My PhD

A monolithic repository for (almost) everything I have done while at the University of Edinburgh. Living an #open life.


  1. Chris Cummins, Zacharias V. Fisches, Tal Ben-Nun, Torsten Hoefler, Hugh Leather. "ProGraML: Graph-based Deep Learning for Program Optimization and Analysis". arXiv:2003.10536. [source code].
  2. Chris Cummins, "Deep Learning for Compilers". PhD thesis. [source code]. Build command: $ bazel build //docs/thesis.
  3. Chris Cummins, Pavlos Petoumenos, Alastair Murray, Hugh Leather. "Compiler Fuzzing through Deep Learning". ISSTA '18. [source code]. [pdf]. Build command: $ bazel build //docs/2018_07_issta.
  4. Chris Cummins, Pavlos Petoumenos, Alastair Murray, Hugh Leather. "DeepSmith: Compiler Fuzzing through Deep Learning". ACACES '18. [source code]. [pdf]. Build command: $ bazel build //docs/2018_07_acaces.
  5. Chris Cummins, Pavlos Petoumenos, Zheng Wang, Hugh Leather. "End-to-end Deep Learning of Optimization Heuristics". PACT '17. [source code]. [pdf]. Build command: $ bazel build //docs/2017_09_pact.
  6. Chris Cummins, Pavlos Petoumenos, Zheng Wang, Hugh Leather. "Synthesizing Benchmarks for Predictive Modeling". CGO '17. [source code]. [pdf]. [acm]. Build command: $ bazel build //docs/2017_02_cgo.
  7. Chris Cummins, Pavlos Petoumenos, Michel Steuwer, Hugh Leather. "Autotuning OpenCL Workgroup Sizes". ACACES '16. [source code]. Build command: $ bazel build //docs/2016_07_acaces.
  8. Chris Cummins, Pavlos Petoumenos, Michel Steuwer, Hugh Leather. "Towards Collaborative Performance Tuning of Algorithmic Skeletons". HLPGPU '16, HiPEAC. [source code]. [pdf]. Build command: $ bazel build //docs/2016_01_hlpgpu.
  9. Chris Cummins, Pavlos Petoumenos, Michel Steuwer, Hugh Leather. "Autotuning OpenCL Workgroup Size for Stencil Patterns". ADAPT '16, HiPEAC. [source code]. [pdf]. [arxiv]. Build command: $ bazel build //docs/2016_01_adapt.
  10. Chris Cummins. "Autotuning Stencils Codes with Algorithmic Skeletons". MSc Thesis, 2015. The University of Edinburgh. [source code]. Build command: $ bazel build //docs/2015_08_msc_thesis.


  1. Chris Cummins. "Compiler Fuzzing through Deep Learning", 3rd August, 2018. Codeplay, Edinburgh, Scotland. [files]. [slides].
  2. Chris Cummins. "Machine Learning for Compilers", 20th July, 2018. Workshop on Introspective Systems for Automatically Generating Tests (ISAGT), Amsterdam, Netherlands. [files]. [pdf].
  3. Chris Cummins. "Compiler Fuzzing through Deep Learning", 16th July, 2018. ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), Amsterdam, Netherlands. [files]. [slides].
  4. Chris Cummins. "End-to-end Deep Learning of Optimization Heuristics", 23rd March, 2018. Facebook, Menlo Park. [files]. [slides].
  5. Chris Cummins. "End-to-end Deep Learning of Optimization Heuristics", 2nd Feb, 2018. Google, Mountain View. [files]. [slides].
  6. Chris Cummins. "Second Year Progression Review", 18th Dec, 2017. The University of Edinburgh, Scotland. [files]. [pdf].
  7. Chris Cummins. "End-to-end Deep Learning of Optimization Heuristics", 4th Oct, 2017. The University of Edinburgh, Scotland. [files]. [slides].
  8. Chris Cummins. "End-to-end Deep Learning of Optimization Heuristics", 12th Sep, 2017. International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT), Portland, Oregon, USA. [files]. [slides].
  9. Chris Cummins. "Deep Learning in Compilers", 14th Jun, 2017. The University of Edinburgh, Scotland. [files]. [pdf]. [transcript].
  10. Chris Cummins. "Using Deep Learning to Generate Human-like Code", 22nd April, 2017. Scottish Programming Languages Seminar, University of St. Andrews, Scotland. [files]. [pdf].
  11. Chris Cummins. "Synthesizing Benchmarks for Predictive Modeling", 6th Febuary, 2017. International Symposium on Code Generationand Optimization (CGO), Austin, Texas, USA. [files]. [slides].
  12. Chris Cummins. "Machine Learning & Compilers", 9th September, 2016. Codeplay, Edinburgh, Scotland. [files]. [slides].
  13. Chris Cummins. "Building an AI that Codes", 22nd July, 2016. Ocado Technology, Hatfield, England. [files]. [pdf].
  14. Chris Cummins. "All the OpenCL on GitHub: Teaching an AI to code, one character at a time", 19th May, 2016. Amazon Development Centre, Edinburgh, Scotland. [files]. [pdf].
  15. Chris Cummins. "Autotuning and Algorithmic Skeletons", Wed 10th Feb, 2016. The University of Edinburgh, Scotland. [files]. [pdf].
  16. Chris Cummins. "Towards Collaborative Performance Tuning of Algorithmic Skeletons", Tues 19th Jan, 2016. HLPGPU, HiPEAC, Prague. [files]. [pdf].
  17. Chris Cummins. "Autotuning OpenCL Workgroup Size for Stencil Patterns", Mon 18th Jan, 2016. ADAPT, HiPEAC, Prague. [files]. [pdf].
  18. Chris Cummins. "Towards Collaborative Performance Tuning of Algorithmic Skeletons", Thurs 14th Jan, 2016. The University of Edinburgh, Scotland. [files]. [pdf].


  1. Curriculum Vitae. [source code]. [pdf]. [html]. Build command: $ bazel build //docs/cv.
  2. Chris Cummins, Pavlos Petoumenos, Michel Steuwer, Hugh Leather. "Collaborative Autotuning of Algorithmic Skeletons for GPUs and CPUs". Incomplete journal version of ADAPT and HLPGPU papers. [source code]. Build command: $ bazel build //docs/2016_12_wip_taco.
  3. Chris Cummins. "Deep Learning for Compilers". PhD First Year Review Document, 2016. [source code]. Build command: $ bazel build //docs/2016_11_first_year_review.
  4. Chris Cummins, Hugh Leather. "Autotuning OpenCL Workgroup Sizes". Rejected submission for PACT'16 Student Research Competition. [source code]. Build command: $ bazel build //docs/2016_07_pact.
  5. Chris Cummins, Pavlos Petoumenos, Michel Steuwer, Hugh Leather. "Autotuning OpenCL Workgroup Sizes". Submission for PLDI'16 Student Poster Session. [source code]. Build command: $ bazel build //docs/2016_06_pldi.
  6. Chris Cummins. "Autotuning and Skeleton-aware Compilation". PhD Progression Review, 2015. [source code]. Build command: $ bazel build //docs/2015_09_progression_review.

Building the code

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