ChrisMaherLab / INTEGRATE-Vis

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INTEGRATE-Vis is a gene fusion visualization tool. It is written in Python.


Please make sure you have installed the following tools:

If not, please install these languages or tools. Note: Matplotlib can also be installed through using EPDFree or Anaconda. The Mac version of gtfToGenePred is here.


Download INTEGRATE-Vis at Click on "Clone or download" and then click on "Download ZIP"

Here, we use ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/ as the directory to illustrate how to install and run INTEGRATE-Vis. Please choose other directories if your home directory is small. If you use git clone to get the repository, please use INTEGRATE-Vis instead of INTEGRATE-Vis-master in the commands below, and you don't need to unzip.

Run the installation script (Suppose you have copied to ~):

$ cd ~
$ unzip
$ cd ./INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0
$ chmod +x
$ ./ -o ~/opt/bin/

Note that you can choose wherever you like to install the software. It can be different from "~/opt/bin/".

You can include the directory you installed INTEGRATE-Vis to your PATH by running:

$ export PATH=~/opt/bin/:$PATH

before running INTEGRATE-Vis.

You can also do this by adding the previous command to your ~/.bashrc file.


If you type the following commands, you will see the usage for 4 sub utils and explanations, which are for the 4 types of figures that INTEGRATE-Vis plots. The utils include: structure, domain, exon expression, and gene expression in a cohort.

$ python ~/opt/bin/ --help


$ --help

The following commands are for the 4 utils, respectively.

$ Integrate-vis structure <parameters>
$ Integrate-vis domain <parameters>
$ Integrate-vis exon-exp <parameters>
$ Integrate-vis gene-exp <parameters>

For example, you can run the following command to see what input values or files are needed for the structure util.

$ python ~/opt/bin/ structure --help

Input for the structure util

Screenshots for inputs to other utils are not included here to save space. Please run the above commands yourself.

Input file formats for INTEGRATE-Vis include BEDPE, BAM, GTF, FASTA, and TSV.

1. The BEDPE format for gene fusions follows the standardized format provided by The ICGC-TCGA DREAM Somatic Mutation Calling - RNA Challenge (SMC-RNA). The INTEGRATE gene fusion discovery tool supports and by default generates a file - fusions.bedpe. You can run INTEGRATE to discover gene fusions and provide this file to INTEGRATE-Vis to generate gene fusion visualizations. You can also choose to use other gene fusion discovery tools. Gene fusion discovery tools participated in the SMC-RNA challenge support this format. If you choose to use a gene fusion discovery tool that does not support this format, you can convert its output to this format, which should usually be fairly straighforward. Examples of files in this format are included here: BEDPE files for TCGA PRAD data and BEDPE file for SMC-RNA sim56 data. A step-by-step example of discovering gene fusions and reporting them in this BEDPE format from using raw FASTQ reads of SMC-RNA sim56 data by running STAR2 and INTEGRATE v0.2.6 can be found below (E2. SMC-RNA sim56 data).

2. BAM files can be generated by RNA-seq read-alignemnt tools, e.g. STAR2, TOPHAT2, HISAT2, GSNAP, etc. Sample command lines of using STAR2 to align SMC-RNA sim56 data can be found below (E2. SMC-RNA sim56 data).

3. The GTF files can be downloaded from Ensembl:

GRCh37, e.g., v75:

GRCh38, e.g., v85:

You can use wget or curl to download these files:

Command lines for downloading GRCh37 v75:

$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/gene_model/
$ wget
$ gunzip Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf.gz

Command lines for downloading GRCh38 v85:

$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/gene_model/
$ wget
$ gunzip Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.85.gtf.gz

4. FASTA files for reference genomes can be downloaded from Ensembl:


$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/reference_genome/
$ wget{1..22}.fa.gz
$ wget
$ wget
$ wget
$ gunzip -c Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna.chromosome.* > GRCh37_r75.all.fa


$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/reference_genome/
$ wget{1..22}.fa.gz
$ wget
$ wget
$ wget
$ gunzip -c Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.chromosome.* > GRCh38_r85.all.fa

5. TSV files for ideogram and domain table:

Ideogram.37.tsv and Ideogram.38.tsv are included here: 37 and 38.

For example, Ideogram.38.tsv can be created by the following R commands:

> library(IdeoViz)
> ideo <- getIdeo("hg38")
> write.table(ideo,"~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/Ideogram.38.tsv", sep="\t", quote=F, row.names = F)

Domain_table.37.tsv and Domain_table.38.tsv are included here: 37 and 38.

They can also be created by the python script under the src/ directory, using the following commands:

$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/domain_table/
$ python ~/opt/bin/ -version GRCh37 -g ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/gene_model/GRCh37.75.gtf -out Domain_table.37.tsv


$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/domain_table/
$ python ~/opt/bin/ -version GRCh38 -g ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/gene_model/GRCh38.85.gtf -out Domain_table.38.tsv

6. fcircRNA files for describing fcircRNA

These files are only required when using the fcirc util. These can be obtained from the default output of the INTEGRATE-Circ tool developed by the Maher Lab. These files have the following format:

Note that columns 3 and 5 should describe a position within geneA and columns 4 and 6 should describe a position in geneB, given a geneA::geneB fusion. Any header lines should begin with "#".


Output files are figures in PDF format. Refer to the examples below for details.


The chromosome names in the reference genome, the gene models, and the fusion bedpe files should be consistent.


E1. TCGA PRAD cohort

This example shows how to generate visualizations when gene fusions have already been discovered and are stored using the BEDPE format above, which represents the primary goal of INTEGRATE-Vis. To see how to generate a BEDPE file for gene fusions using INTEGRATE from raw reads, please refer to example 2 (E2. SMC-RNA sim56 data) below.

BEDPE files for 333 TCGA PRAD samples can be found here. Please refer to our previous paper for details of these gene fusions and the methods used to discover them.

This example is based on GRCh38.

We use TCGA-ZG-A8QZ-01.bedpe to illustrate how to generate visualizations for (A) structure, (B) domain, and (C) exon expression. For visualization for (D) gene expression in a cohort, all the 333 BEDPE files are used.

For (A) sturcture and (C) exon expressioin, we have to use a simulated BAM simulated.TCGA-ZG-A8QZ-01.bam to make the examples work here. You can also test with a real BAM for the sample from GDC if you have access to raw data there.

Suppose you downloaded INTEGRATE-Vis, and unzipped it at ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/. Again, you can choose another directory, and run the following commands with the directory you choose.

A. Structure

$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/example/Example1/
$ python ~/opt/bin/ structure -b ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example1/TCGA_PRAD_333_bedpe/TCGA-ZG-A8QZ-01.bedpe -s TCGA-ZG-A8QZ-01 -d ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/ideogram/Ideogram.38.tsv -r ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/reference_genome/GRCh38_r85.all.fa -g ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/gene_model/GRCh38.85.gtf -m ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example1/simulated.TCGA-ZG-A8QZ-01.bam -o ./panelA -k

TCGA-ZG-A8QZ-01.bedpe can be found here. Ideogram.38.tsv can be found here. GRCh38_r85.all.fa and Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.85.gtf can be downloaded and created as shown above in Input. The simualted BAM for testing, simulated.TCGA-ZG-A8QZ-01.bam can be found here.

After running the command, you can find the PDF files for (A) structure under ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/example/Example1/panelA/ for the fusions in TCGA-ZG-A8QZ-01.bedpe. These PDF files can also be downloaded here.

B. Domain

$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/example/Example1/
$ python ~/opt/bin/ domain -b ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example1/TCGA_PRAD_333_bedpe/TCGA-ZG-A8QZ-01.bedpe -s TCGA-ZG-A8QZ-01 -d ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/domain_table/Domain_table.38.tsv -r ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/reference_genome/GRCh38_r85.all.fa -g ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/gene_model/GRCh38.85.gtf -o ./panelB -k

TCGA-ZG-A8QZ-01.bedpe can be found here. _domaintable.38.tsv can be downloaded here or created as shown above in Input. GRCh38_r85.all.fa and Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.85.gtf can be downloaded and created as shown above in Input.

After running the command, you can find the PDF files for (B) domain under ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/example/Example1/panelB/ for the fusions in TCGA-ZG-A8QZ-01.bedpe. These PDF files can also be downloaded here

C. Exon Expression

$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/example/Example1/
$ python ~/opt/bin/ exon-exp -b ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example1/TCGA_PRAD_333_bedpe/TCGA-ZG-A8QZ-01.bedpe -s TCGA-ZG-A8QZ-01 -m ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example1/simulated.TCGA-ZG-A8QZ-01.bam -r ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/reference_genome/GRCh38_r85.all.fa -g ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/gene_model/GRCh38.85.gtf -o ./panelC -k

TCGA-ZG-A8QZ-01.bedpe can be found here. simulated.TCGA-ZG-A8QZ-01.bam can be found here. GRCh38_r85.all.fa and Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.85.gtf can be downloaded and created as shown above in Input.

After running the command, you can find the PDF files for C (exon expression) under ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/example/Example1/panelC/ for the fusions in TCGA-ZG-A8QZ-01.bedpe. These PDF files can also be downloaded here.

D. Gene Expression


Create cohort.fusions.tsv:

$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/example/Example1/
$ python ~/opt/bin/ -r ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/reference_genome/GRCh38_r85.all.fa -g ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/gene_model/GRCh38.85.gtf -o ./panelD -k -a ./all.fusion.bedpe.dir.tsv

./all.fusion.bedpe.dir.tsv can be downloaded from here. It contains sample names and paths to the bedpe files for the 333 TCGA PRAD samples, discovered by INTEGRATE. Change the paths if you saved the bedpe files to a different directory. GRCh38_r85.all.fa and Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.85.gtf can be downloaded and created as shown above in Input.

The command generates a matrix in ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/example/Example1/panelD/cohort.fusions.tsv. It can also be downloaded from here. Instead of using the file all.fusion.bedpe.dir.tsv, you can also provide the sample names and paths as comma separated parameters (type python ~/opt/bin/ --help for details.)

cohort.fusions.tsv contains info for all the gene fusions in the cohort to plot (D) gene expression figures for all the gene fusions. Depending on your research interest, you may only need to focus on certain genes instead of all gene fusions from a cohort. In this example, we focus on ERG gene fusions, by running:

$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/example/Example1/
$ head -1 ./panelD/cohort.fusions.tsv > ./panelD/cohort.ERG.tsv
$ grep ERG ./panelD/cohort.fusions.tsv >> ./panelD/cohort.ERG.tsv

Create cohort.gene_expression.tsv:

$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/example/Example1/
$ python ~/opt/bin/ -a ./all.exp.dir.tsv -g 1 -e 7 -o ./panelD/

./all.exp.dir.tsv can be downloaded from here. It contains sample names and paths to the FeatureCounts TSV files for the 333 TCGA PRAD samples. Change the paths if you saved the TSV files to a different directory. Note that these files uploaded to GitHub here only contain a subset of all genes, but not all Ensembl genes, to make this testing example compact and work with the cohort.ERG.tsv file. Otherwise, TSV files for all the genes for the cohort take about 7GB of space.

The command generates a matrix in ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/example/Example1/panelD/cohort.gene_expression.tsv. It can also be downloaded from here. Instead of using the file all.exp.dir.tsv, you can also provide the sample names and paths as comma separated parameters (type python ~/opt/bin/ --help for details.)

Instead of using FeatureCounts, you can also use other tools to calculate read counts or normalized expression. For example, if cufflinks was used, change the paramters to -g 1 and -e 10 for FPKM values (Also the -m option to FPKM for gene-exp below). You can also download gene expression data from databases, e.g., cBioPortal.

Create cohort.type.tsv:

cohort.type.tsv contails one column of sample names and one column of 0/1 values indicating whether the sample is tumor or not. It can be downloaded here for the 333 TCGA PRAD samples.

(2)PDF Generation:

$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/example/Example1/
$ python ~/opt/bin/ gene-exp -f ./panelD/cohort.ERG.tsv -e ./panelD/cohort.gene_expression.tsv -t ./panelD/cohort.type.tsv -g ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/gene_model/GRCh38.85.gtf -m "Read count" -c PRAD -o ./panelD -k

Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.85.gtf can be downloaded and created as shown above in Input.

After running the command, you can find the PDF files for (D) gene expression under ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/example/Example1/panelD/ for all the ERG fusions in the TCGA PRAD cohort. These PDF files can also be downloaded here.

E2. SMC-RNA sim56 data

Download data

SMC-RNA sim56 data can be downloaded here. Click on sim56_mergeSort_1.fq.gz and sim56_mergeSort_2.fq.gz and save them to ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example2/sim56_data/. Then gunzip them:

$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example2/sim56_data/
$ gunzip sim56_mergeSort_1.fq.gz
$ gunzip sim56_mergeSort_2.fq.gz

Build STAR index

Here we use STAR2 as an example of read-alginment. For using other read-alignment tools, refer to our previous paper. First, we build index file for running STAR2:

Since SMC-RNA sim56 data was simulated using GRCh37, we also use GRCh37 for this example. Suppose you have intalled STAR2 at ~/STAR2/.

$ ~/STAR2/Linux_x86_64_static_gcc4.7.0/STAR --runThreadN 4 --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir ~/STAR2/index_file/data/GRCh37/star_indices_overhang100/ --genomeFastaFiles ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/reference_genome/GRCh37_r75.all.fa --sjdbGTFfile ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/gene_model/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf --sjdbOverhang 100

Note that, refer Input for downloading and creating _GRCh37r75.all.fa and _Homosapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf.


$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example2/running_star/
$ ~/STAR2/Linux_x86_64_static_gcc4.7.0/STAR --runThreadN 12 --genomeDir ~/STAR2/index_file/data/GRCh37/star_indices_overhang100/ --readFilesIn ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example2/sim56_data/training_sim56_mergeSort_1.fq ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example2/sim56_data/training_sim56_mergeSort_2.fq --outFileNamePrefix star --chimSegmentMin 18

Make the sorted BAM file for Chimeric reads:

$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example2/running_star/
$ samtools view -Sb -o starChimeric.out.bam starChimeric.out.sam
$ samtools sort starChimeric.out.bam starChimeric.out.sort
$ samtools index starChimeric.out.sort.bam

Gene fusion discovery

Here we use INTEGRATE to discovery gene fusons. For how to download and install, and run INTEGRATE please refer here. We need Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.tsv and bwts/ to run INTEGRATE.

_Homosapiens.GRCh37.75.tsv can be created by running:

$ ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/gene_model/
$ gtfToGenePred -genePredExt -geneNameAsName2 Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.genePred
$ cut -f 1-10,12 Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.genePred > tmp.txt
$ echo -e "\tGRCh37.ensGene.chrom\tGRCh37.ensGene.strand\tGRCh37.ensGene.txStart\tGRCh37.ensGene.txEnd\tGRCh37.ensGene.cdsStart\tGRCh37.ensGene.cdsEnd\tGRCh37.ensGene.exonCount\tGRCh37.ensGene.exonStarts\tGRCh37.ensGene.exonEnds\tGRCh37.ensemblToGeneName.value" > Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.tsv
$ cat tmp.txt >> Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.tsv

and bwts/ can be created by running:

$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/reference_genome/
$ mkdir bwts
$ Integrate mkbwt GRCh37_r75.all.fa

Run INTEGRATE (Download and see installation instructions here):

$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example2/running_star/fusion_discovery/
$ Integrate fusion ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/reference_genome/GRCh37_r75.all.fa ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/gene_model/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.tsv ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/gene_model/sequence/bwts/ ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example2/running_star/starChimeric.out.sort.bam ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example2/running_star/starChimeric.out.sort.bam

After running INTEGRATE, we have a file called fusions.bedpe under ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example2/running_star/fusion_discovery/. If you have generated figures using the .bedpe files in Example 1, you should be able to run INTEGRATE-Vis and generate visualizations for this example (Example 2) too. Commands for generating visualizations for Example 2 can be found below.

Evaluate our discovery

Before doing that, let's take a look at the fusions.bedpe file and see how well was the fusion discovery.

First, we can use the bedpeAnnotator tool that comes with INTEGRATE-Vis to annotate the gene fusions we discovered:

$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example2/evaluation/
$ ~/opt/bin/fusionBedpeAnnotator -r ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/reference_genome/GRCh37_r75.all.fa -g ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/gene_model/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.genePred -d ./difile.txt -i ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example2/running_star/fusion_discovery/fusions.bedpe -o ./fusions.annot.bedpe

/fusions.annot.bedpe includes 25 gene fusion candicates with fusion junctions aligned to exon boundaries (Column 12 of /fusions.annot.bedpe), and 3 are not. Since we know the simulation only included gene fusions with protein coding genes on the exon boundaries. We remove the 3 that are not on the boundaries and save a 11-column bedpe file with the following command:

$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example2/evaluation/
$ awk '$12==1{print}' fusions.annot.bedpe | cut -f 1-11 > fusions.cano.bedpe

Second, go to the Google Cloud, click on sim56_filtered.bedpe and save it to ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example2/sim56_data/. This is the "truth" file for gene fusions simulated in this dataset. We see that _sim56filtered.bedpe is not quite following the standardized SMC-RNA bedpe format yet. So we first fix it by running:

$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example2/evaluation/
$ awk '{printf $0"\t"}$9=="1"{printf "+\t"}$9=="-1"{printf "-\t"}$10=="1"{print "+"}$10=="-1"{print "-"}' training_sim56_filtered.bedpe | cut -f 1-8,11,12> training_sim56_filtered.2.bedpe

Third, we can download the fusionToolEvaluator from here, and run a comparison. For your convinience, the source code has been downloaded and stored here.

Commands for install fusionToolEvaluator:

$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example2/evaluation/
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../Evaluator/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release
$ make


cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example2/evaluation/
$ INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example2/evaluation/build/bin/fusionToolEvaluator -t training_sim56_filtered.2.bedpe -r fusions.cano.bedpe -g ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/gene_model/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.genePred -s rule.txt -o result.txt

We see from result.txt that the sensitivy is 67% and precision is 96%, which equal to a F1 score of 79%. These values are consistent with the experiment by running STAR and INTEGRATE on the cell line data in our prevous paper. Using other read-alignment tools, or commbing multiple read-alignment tools may have better results as indicated in the paper.

Now we plot the gene fusion visualizations:

A Structure

$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/example/Example2/
$ python ~/opt/bin/ structure -b ~/INTEGRATE-Vis/example/Example2/evaluation/fusions.cano.bedpe -s sim56 -d ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/ideogram/Ideogram.37.tsv -r ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/reference_genome/GRCh37_r75.all.fa -g ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/gene_model/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf -m ./running_star/starChimeric.out.sort.bam -o ./panelA -k

fusions.cano.bedpe can be found here. Ideogram.37.tsv can be found here. GRCh37_r75.all.fa and Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf can be downloaded and created as shown above in [Input][]. starChimeric.out.sort.bam can be found here.

After running the command, you can find the PDF files for (A) structure under ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/example/Example2/panelA/ for the fusions in fusions.cano.bedpe. These PDF files can also be downloaded here.

B Domain

$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/example/Example2/
$ python ~/opt/bin/ domain -b ~/INTEGRATE-Vis/example/Example2/evaluation/fusions.cano.bedpe -s sim56 -d ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/domain_table/Domain_table.37.tsv ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/reference_genome/GRCh37_r75.all.fa -g ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/gene_model/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf -o ./panelB -k

fusions.cano.bedpe can be found here. _domaintable.37.tsv can be downloaded here or created as shown above in Input. GRCh37_r75.all.fa and Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf can be downloaded and created as shown above in Input.

After running the command, you can find the PDF files for (B) domain under ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/example/Example2/panelB/ for the fusions in fusions.cano.bedpe. These PDF files can also be downloaded here

C Exon expression

Make the sorted BAM file for aligned reads:

$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example2/running_star/
$ samtools view -Sb -o starAligned.out.bam starAligned.out.sam
$ samtools sort starAligned.out.bam starAligned.out.sort
$ samtools index starAligned.out.sort.bam
$ cd ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/example/Example2/
$ python ~/opt/bin/ exon-exp -b ~/INTEGRATE-Vis/example/Example2/evaluation/fusions.cano.bedpe -s sim56 -m ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/example/Example2/running_star/starAligned.out.sort.bam -r ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/reference_genome/GRCh38_r75.all.fa -g ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/data/gene_model/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf -o ./panelC -k

fusions.cano.bedpe can be found here. starAligned.out.sort.bam can be created by running the commands in section Run STAR above. GRCh37_r75.all.fa and Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf can be downloaded and created as shown above in Input.

After running the command, you can find the PDF files for C (exon expression) under ~/INTEGRATE-Vis-master/INTEGRATE-Vis.1.0.0/example/Example2/panelC/ for the fusions in fusions.cano.bedpe. These PDF files can also be downloaded here.

Note that you may merge starAligned.out.sort.bam and starChimeric.out.sort.bam to plot this visualization.

D Gene expression

Here we are not simulating a whole population of samples in this example, because the current gene fusion read simulation tools are mostly simulating reads independently for different individuals. Therefore, the gene expression in the simulated cohort can be random with out any pattern related to gene fusions, unless the simulation tool takes in gene expression profiles from a real tumor population. For this reason, the (D) gene expression in Example 1 is actually a better data to show how to generate this visualization.

E3. fcircRNA detection and visualization

Identify fcircRNAs

For this example, we will use the example data provided in the documentation for INTEGRATE-Circ. By following the example provided in that repository, you can produce an fcirc.txt file that contains a simulated fcircRNA derived from a TMPRSS2::ERG fusion. We will use that output file in the following step (a copy of which can be found at example/Example3/example.fcirc.txt).

Visualize fcircRNAs

We can visualize the output of INTEGRATE-Circ using the following command:

python ~/opt/bin/ fcirc \
    -f /output/from/INTEGRATE-Circ/fcirc.txt \
    -s sample_name \
    -r /path/to/hg19.fa \
    -d /path/to/Ideogram.37.tsv \
    -g /path/to/Homo_sapiens.gtf \
    -o /example/output/directory 

The expected output of this command can be found at example/Example3/TMPRSS2-ERG.fcircRNA.1.pdf


Additional notes:

Due to file size limitation at GitHub, the following files are not uploaded to this repository. All these files can be downloaded or created following the commands above.


Please compile the gene fusion evaluator under this directory following the commands provided above.
