ChrisRichardMiles / ledger

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This Is A Ledger App

The purpose of this project is to develop a backend for a General Ledger system using fastapi. The backend api will give endpoints that frontend applications use to interact with databases. To facilitate behavior driven development, we set up an sqlite database and a docker container running a nextjs frontend.

Current Endpoints:

How to run

Dependencies: You will need docker and python (I used 3.10 but others should work). Docker is currently used to run the frontend app. I hope to have all three components (database, api, frontend) residing in their own containers in the future.


git clone
cd ledger

Visit http://localhost:3000

This will use venv and pip to install fastapi, uvicorn, and sqlalchemy. Then it will initialize a basic sqlite database with a few entries with total credits equal to total debits. It will then start the fastapi app. Then it will create a docker image and start a container to run the frontend.

After you are done, run bash to remove docker container and image and to kill the api app running at port 8000.