ChrisTimperley / RepairChain

AIxCC: automated vulnerability repair via LLMs, search, and static analysis
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Integrate information from sanitizer report into YOLO #43

Open clegoues opened 2 months ago

clegoues commented 2 months ago

@rubengmartins Check out sanitizer report:

Parses out bug type etc from sanitizer report, and error location and other useful information when available. I (Claire) will be refactoring slightly but the key information should still be there. It sounded like this might be useful for YOLO.

clegoues commented 2 months ago

Thinking about it, probably not worth trying to do before semis --- without symbolization, dumb YOLO with just the sanitizer report andi mplicated functions is the best bet for the kernel.

rubengmartins commented 2 months ago

To be honest, this will not happen during the weekend but something we may want to consider for the future.