ChrisTimperley / RepairChain

AIxCC: automated vulnerability repair via LLMs, search, and static analysis
Apache License 2.0
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AIxCC: automated vulnerability repair via LLMs, search, and static analysis


To install the project, you will need to invoke the following:

make install

After running the above, you will need to create files .openapi.key and .anthropic.key at the root of the repository, which should contain your OpenAPI access key and Anthropic key, respectively.


To install all of the examples:

make examples

To run an end-to-end example of RepairChain, run the following:

./scripts/ ./examples/mock-cp

To use parallel workers, run the following:

REPAIRCHAIN_WORKERS=8 ./scripts/ ./examples/nginx


RepairChain exposes a simple command-line interface with a single verb, repair, which accepts the path to a configuration file as its sole positional argument, along with a mandatory option --save-to-dir, which specifies the absolute path of the directory to which acceptable patches should be written as unified diffs.

Below is an example invocation of the CLI via Poetry:

poetry run repairchain repair my-project-config.json --save-to-dir ./patches --stop-early --log-level TRACE

To find more details about the available options for the repair verb, run the following:

poetry run repairchain repair --help

Environment Variables

Environment Variable Default Description
REPAIRCHAIN_LOG_LEVEL INFO controls the verbosity of logging output (options: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL)
REPAIRCHAIN_WORKERS 1 specifies the number of workers that should be used for parallel tasks
REPAIRCHAIN_STOP_EARLY true instructs repair to stop upon discovery of first acceptable patch
REPAIRCHAIN_MINIMIZE_FAILURE true uses delta-debugging to minimize the failing changes
REPAIRCHAIN_SANITY_CHECK true enables (or disables) sanity checking of the program under repair
REPAIRCHAIN_EVALUATION_CACHE `` if specified, saves the results of patch evaluations to the given file
REPAIRCHAIN_KASKARA_CACHE `` if specified, saves the results of Kaskara indexing to the given file
REPAIRCHAIN_TIME_LIMIT 3600 time limit (in seconds) on the entire repair process
REPAIRCHAIN_BUILD_TIME_LIMIT 120 time limit (in seconds) on (incremental) builds
REPAIRCHAIN_REGRESSION_TIME_LIMIT 120 time limit (in seconds) on running regression test suite
REPAIRCHAIN_POV_TIME_LIMIT 60 time limit (in seconds) on running PoV
LITELLM_KEY sk-1234 the secret key to use for LiteLLM
REPAIRCHAIN_ENABLE_KASKARA true enables (or disables) the use of Kaskara for indexing
REPAIRCHAIN_ENABLE_REVERSION_REPAIR true enables (or disables) minimal reversation patching strategy
REPAIRCHAIN_ENABLE_YOLO_REPAIR true enables (or disables) LLM-based patching strategies
REPAIRCHAIN_ENABLE_TEMPLATE_REPAIR true enables (or disables) template-based patching strategies
REPAIRCHAIN_LOG_TO_FILE `` if specified, writes a log to a given file
REPAIRCHAIN_GENERATE_COMPILE_COMMANDS true enables (or disables) the generation of compile_commands.json via bear
LITELLM_MODEL oai-gpt-4o specifies the model that should be used by YOLO
REPAIRCHAIN_KERNEL_BACKTRACE_PATH `` optionally specifies the path to a symbolized kernel backtrace

Input Format

Below is an example of a JSON input file that is provided to RepairChain as input.

  "project-kind": "c",
  "image": "repairchain/mock-cp",
  "repository-path": {
    "local": "./mock-cp-src/src/samples",
    "docker": "/src/samples"
  "triggering-commit": "11dafa9a5babc127357d710ee090eb4c0c05154f",
  "sanitizer-report-filename": "./sanitizer.txt",
  "pov-payload-filename": "./mock-cp-src/exemplar_only/cpv_1/blobs/sample_solve.bin",
  "commands": {
    "build": "LOCAL_USER=$(id -u) /usr/local/sbin/container_scripts/ build",
    "clean": "git clean -xdf",
    "regression-test": "/usr/local/sbin/container_scripts/cp_tests",
    "crash-template": "/usr/local/sbin/container_scripts/cp_pov __PAYLOAD_FILE__ filein_harness"

Output Format

RepairChain writes all acceptable patches that it finds to a specified output directory. Each patch is written as a unified diff (the same format that is expected by DARPA). Below is an example of such a patch.

diff --git a/mock_vp.c b/mock_vp.c
index 9dc6bf0..72678be 100644
--- a/mock_vp.c
+++ b/mock_vp.c
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ func_a(){
         printf("input item:");
         buff = &items[i][0];
-        fgets(buff, 40, stdin);
+        fgets(buff, 9, stdin);
+        if (i==3){buff[0]= 0;}
         buff[strcspn(buff, "\n")] = 0;