ChrisTimperley / TurtleBot.Dockerfile

Provides a Dockerfile for TurtleBot (to be run on hardware), built on top of ROS Indigo
MIT License
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Kinetic vs Indigo #4

Open lukewebdev opened 5 years ago

lukewebdev commented 5 years ago

It's unclear to me how to use this for kinetic vs there a toggle option or is it set for Kinetic? (I want to use this for Kinetic, but I saw references to both Indigo and Kinetic).

Thanks for any clarification!

ChrisTimperley commented 5 years ago

There isn't really a toggle option for Kinetic and Indigo. There are a few Dockerfiles in the repo that correspond to source/binary versions of the TurtleBot for Kinetic and Indigo, although the code is a bit old and rusty now :-)

Are you looking to use a particular source/binary version of TurtleBot for a specific ROS distro?

lukewebdev commented 5 years ago

I have an iRobot Create 2 based Turtlebot with Rpi and it was very slow. I upgraded the raspberry pi to a rockpro64 but it cannot run Xenial 16.04 and thus cannot run Kinetic ROS. I can only run Bionic 18.04. I am trying to figure out how I can get a basic Kinetic Turtlebot code running in docker so I can then tweak that to work for the Create 2 Base.

lukewebdev commented 5 years ago

I also have a Kobuki based turtlebot2 that just came in the mail, but I have not set it up yet. I also would like though to run that one on Kinetic in docker also.

ChrisTimperley commented 5 years ago

Given that there's a lot of redundancy (and unnecessary complexity) in the various Dockerfiles in this repo, I think that your best course of action is to put together a new and smaller Dockerfile that builds on top of one of the OSRF base images, uses rosinstall_generator to generate a .rosinstall file containing all the necessary packages, and then uses catkin and rosdep to build those packages and their binary dependencies.