File difference tool for competitive programming.
go install
yay -S cpdiff
Comparing standard input (e.g. some program's output redirected to cpdiff
) against a file (e.g. the correct answer):
./my-program < in-file | cpdiff ans-file
Or compare two files:
cpdiff file1 file2
Help (see all options):
cpdiff --help
Comparing each number individually. Numbers are allowed to have an error:
Comparing strings. Each character is compared individually:
If you want to compare binary strings (or digits), you can compare them character by character instead of comparing their numeric value:
Big numbers are supported. Numbers can have arbitrary precision or amount of digits:
Linting and formatting:
go fmt ./...
revive --formatter stylish ./...
In order to run tests, first build the project, then set the environment variable below to the path of the executable:
go build
INTEGRATION_TEST_EXECUTABLE=/path/cpdiff go test ./...
Verify installation command works:
docker build -t $IMG .
docker run --rm $IMG
Clean up manually afterwards (i.e. remove images).
Generate screenshots by first installing termshot and then executing the following command:
bash ./screenshots/ path_to_termshot_executable path_to_cpdiff_executable