This is a pretty simple app to post custom notifications to slack channels. As of now, this only pulls info from the twitch api. Notifying a slack channel when a user goes live. I've included some simple build instructions that I used to get this running on a k8s cluster.
Manifests are located in the ./manifests directory
git clone
build the image
docker build --tag <sometagname> .
run it
docker run -v /etc/slack-notify:/etc/slack-notify -e CONFIG_PATH="/etc/slack-notify/config.json" -d <sometagname>
You can also build this for multi-arch using buildx
docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64,linux/amd64 -t [registry:tagname] --push .
This is a pretty comprehensive guide to setting up and building golang docker images with buildx
Set up the image on a registry (I used dockerhub) - if using buildx this is not needed since it's done when building the image
I just retagged my image and pushed it after the fact
docker tag [image id] [registry:tag] # format
docker tag 8922d588eec6 csbull55/slack-notify:initial # what I did
docker push csbull55/slack-notify:<version>
Create configmap
kubectl create configmap -n=<namespace> slack-config --from-file=/etc/slack-notify/config.json
Create namespace and deployment info
kubectl create -f manifests/*
Should be up and running, lets check
slack-go-ddf77c8d6-zjrb7 1/1 Running 0 8m1s
repoURL: ''
path: manifests
targetRevision: HEAD
server: 'https://kubernetes.default.svc'
namespace: cbull
automated: {}
9 lines of yaml and my CD is setup. When I make changes to my manifests in my repo, argo automatically syncs that state with the cluster and redeploys. syncPolicy: automated