Christian-Me / node-red-contrib-ui-uplot-charts

Node-RED Chart UI node utilizing the uPlot.js library. BETA Version
Apache License 2.0
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charting node-red node-red-contrib node-red-dashboard


Chart UI node utilizing the uPlot.js library.

This node-red dashboard node is completely customizable inside the editor.

This is a beta version. Some Features are missing and will be released soon. Some things might be unfinished or buggy. Feedback is appreciated!

* features / options are marked as work in progress
** features / options are marked as planned and not implemented jet

What started as a proof of concept went bigger than I planned. So any help here would be highly appreciated.
First I planned to use dygraphs but later recognized that the development stalled many years ago. After some research I found out that some contributors went on and developed uPlot.

Why another dashboard chart node?

The dashboard is dead, long lives the dashboard!

The goal is to develop a dashboard chart node somewhere between the default chart node and something like grafana. More features than the default chart node without the need of a database and external charting solution. At the same time the node should be configurable via the config ui instead difficult ui_control messages or template nodes in order to hold the "low code" idea up.

known issues

Features planned for the future (in no particular order):

For latest Updates see the change log in the end of this document.


as widget


Please note: Node 14.x LTS is recommended (and necessary)

currently install the node from github:

npm i Christian-Me/node-red-contrib-ui-uplot-charts

As soon the node proves itself to be "suitable for all audiences":

Either use the Editor - Menu - Manage Palette - Install option, or run the following command in your Node-RED user directory (typically ~/.node-red) after installing Node-RED-dashboard.

npm i node-red-contrib-ui-uplot-charts


Examples can be imported via import/examples in the top right menu of the editor

  1. demo (simple demo with artificial data)
  2. speedTest (uPlot vs. chart node test setup)
  3. reduceData (data maintenance test setup - Data reduction after 5 and 10 seconds, clean every minute)
  4. noConfig (test behavior usage without any config. Should act similar to the default chart node)


: payload (number) : value to add to the chart
: topic (string) : to this node to add a point to the chart
: timestamp (string) : in epoc time (ms) to specify a custom timestamp (historic data will be sorted into the chart)
: enable (bool): false to disable the widget.





property type description
size auto or size of the widget in units
label sting text to show on top of the chart
title pixel vertical space to reserve for the title (will be replaced by a automatic calculation)
legend pixel vertical space to reserve for the legend (will be replaced by a automatic calculation)
console.log boolean enable console logs by node on the backend (server) or frontend (browser)


Data series are defined here. They will be auto added and configured as soon as a new mgs.topic arrives but can be edited or pre defined.

Default Properties for Series can be defined. property type description
default colors array of colors to be used for each new series
default fills array of 32bit colors (with alpha) for fills. Set alpha to 00 if no fill is desired.

Data series can be sorted to have control over the draw order and appearance in the legend*

property type description
topic string unique identifier for that data series. Will be read only as soon as first datapoint with that topic arrived.
label string label to be shown in the legend or tooltip
scale select scale as defined in scales (can be left empty)
stroke color color and alpha value for the line
width pixel thickness of the chart line
pattern array dash pattern as described here
path select path type: linear, points, spline, step before, step after or bars
fill color color and alpha value to fill the area between the curve and 0
span gaps bool span points over null values
show bool show graph on startup
forward* bool forward last known value as current value*


The X-axes is defined by an JSON object. Two pre defined configuration can be loaded (24h and 12h). More information on how to configure the JSON can be found here. sorry a UI for this would be quite challenging **Loading predefined JSONs will overwrite your customization!

Y axes can be defined:

Order of the axes only for visual convenience.

property type description
label string Label text to be displayed
scale select scale as defined in scales (can be left empty)
label color color and alpha value of the label
side select side to place the axes left, right, bottom*, top*
grid color color and alpha value for the line
grid width pixel thickness of the grid line
grid pattern array dash pattern as described here
grid show bool show grid
tick color color and alpha value for the sick line
tick width pixel thickness of the tick line
tick pattern array dash pattern as described here
tick show bool show tick lines


Scales can be defined individually and used for data series and axes.
Order of the scales only for visual convenience.

property type description
id string id of the scale. Should not be changed as soon as a scale is used
label string Label text to be displayed
auto bool auto scale depending of the received data
min number lower border
max number top border


uPlot-charts functionality can be expanded via "plugins". All plugins can be disabled without losing the configuration. Order of the plugins only for visual convenience.

plugin property type description
bandsFill the area between the lower and higher band.
low series topic of the lower curve
high series topic of the higher curve
fill color color and alpha value
keep pan and zoomkeep the zoom scale and position even if new data arrives
pan bool select to pan with new data
default period default zoom level on initialization
wheel pan and zoomzoom and pan with you mouse wheel and middle button (may not work as expected when combined with touch zoom)
factor number scale factor for wheel turns (?)
touch zoomfinger zoom and pitch.
no options
highlight columnshighlight the column where the mouse sits
fill color color and alpha value
legend as tooltipShow the legend as tooltip
text color color and alpha value
background color color and alpha value


uPlot-charts database is a table (array of arrays [[]]). The database can be stored in node-, flow- or global-context. The data store can be selected. For flow and global context a unique name can be provided.

plugin property type description
time periodLimit the time stored time period
last period time period to keep. Older values will be deleted
run period interval to run the reduction process (in messages or time)
client period interval on client side. (0 = check only on incoming data)
max number of columnsLimit the total number of columns
columns number Number of columns to keep
run period interval to run the reduction process (in messages or time)
client period interval on client side. (0 = check only on incoming data)
reduce old data Reduce historic data by summing up periods of time. This rules will run at startup and in an time interval same as the period. All reduction rules will be sorted by time and applied from the oldest to the most recent limit
older than period apply rule on data older than this period before current time
period period time period to sum up the data
apply to select rows to apply this rule (all series or individual selected)
method select sum up method: average, minimum, maximum or sum
result select position to place the result: begin, end, mid column or mid timestamp of period. Mid time will result in a new column
time precision**combine data rows if they fall into a reduced precise period. uPlot works by default in seconds but fractional seconds are possible.
precision period period of time to combine the data into a single column
clean tabledata reduction can result in empty columns. Clean will delete these. This process is due to the nature of sparse arrays quite time consuming. Clean will always be applied on startup
period period period to run the clean process

Behind the scenes

data storage

uPlot-charts use a own library (timeTable) for handling data on the front and backend with a single codebase

To avoid bottlenecks the data is written to file (if configured) currently only at a gracefully shutdown as csv. A crash will result in a loss of data since last Node-Red start.

uPlot-charts use sparse arrays for data storage in order to achieve efficient memory use and performance. It is expected that data arrives with individual time stamps. This results in a new column for every data point. If multiple rows are present in a chart all the other rows would be a undefined value and add to the data consumption if dense arrays where used.

The fasted way to "clean" sparse arrays (get rid of empty columns) as I found out is cloning all data to a new array instead shifting all data "over" the holes.

As JSON can't handle holes in arrays (sparse arrays). uPlot-charts uses more efficient CSV format for server client transfers and data storage.


uplot supports a kind of plugins to expand its capabilities.

uplot-charts can include these (currently) with some minor changes in the code base only to provide the UI for config data and the initialization on the frontend.

Plugins are loaded to the dashboard "when used only" as modules.

