ChristofSchwarz / qseok_on_minikube

Qlik Sense on Minikube deployment
MIT License
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Breaking News August 2020: Qlik no longer gives Qlik Sense Enterprise on Kubernetes to customers

Qlik Sense Enterprise on Minikube

Status: 22-Nov-2019

Note: This is a newer version of my repo qs_on_Kubernetes. I made a separate video showing how to install this

We will install an Ubuntu 16 Linux. For that you will need

After you downloaded this git into a new folder (using git clone or download as .zip and unzip)

To bash into your new Ubuntu box you simply can use

vagrant ssh

however, I recommend to use Putty

If you want to stop and remove the VM properly (also before you want to restart the provisioning process), run

vagrant destroy


Here you can see the settings for this virtual machine. It uses

using Keycloak as IDP for QSEoK

Info: Keycloak is an open source software product to allow single sign-on with Identity Management and Access Management, maintained by JBoss community project and under the stewardship of Red Hat. The tool's intent is to make it easy to secure applications and services with little to no coding.

Go to keycloak folder for more ...


Qlik Sense errors from any pod

Collect all logs of qlik (release name in this example is "qlik") into one large file (if you used a namespace, add the -n argument)

kubectl get pods --selector release=qlik -o jsonpath="{range .items[*]}{'CURRPOD='}{}{'\n'}{range ..containers[*]}{'echo kubectl logs $'}{'CURRPOD -c '}{}{'\n'}{'kubectl logs $'}{'CURRPOD -c '}{}{' -n $'}{'1\n'}{end}{end}" >

A shell file has been created that will collect all logs from all pods and all containers (some pods have up to 4 containers). This shell script needs one argument: the namespace. If you haven't used one, put default. To execute it run this:

sh -v default >alllogs.txt 
cat alllogs.txt|grep 'rror\|ERROR'   

This log file will have at least 6 MB uncompressed text.

lost internet connection

Sometimes the Ubuntu Virtual Box loses access to internet - I guess this is a Oracle VirtualBox issue which occurs when my host computer changes its Wifi connection. The result is, no helm install command will work and after some days your Sense license will be invalid. You can restart the Network Adapter 1 like this

sudo ifdown eth1
sudo ifup eth1

Check the success by pinging a public address like: ping