PySnakey Documentation
Traditional snake game written in pygame with Python 3.11.9
1) Create a python environment: python -m venv NAME_OF_VENV
2) Activate the environment: source NAME_OF_VENV\bin\activate
or NAME_OF_VENV/Scripts/activate
depending on OS
3) Install the required dependancies: pip install -r requirements.txt
4) Start the game: python
5) Enjoy!
- Currently single player mode
- Main menu with key bindings options
Bottom section is left unreachable for the consumables per level and the level itself
Different game modes (Story mode and high-score)
High score
Story mode
- Level 1 - No constraints, objective: 5 food
- Level 2 - Blocked Borders, objective: 10 food
Screenshots when losing the game to see what happened and what to changed.
- Stored under parent directory of the script running, under src -> assets -> screenshots -> date_and_time.png
Example image:
Game modes
- High score mode
- Single mode where the user plays alone and the goal is to reach the highest points
- Each food is worth 10 points
- Stationary speed across this mode
- Avoid clashing to itself as the game will end
- Screenshot of the lost game would be recorded under src -> assets -> screenshots
- Story mode with levels
- Each level has unique goals like number of food items to consume
- The higher the level, the higher the difficulty (not yet developed)
- Speed can increase (maybe add items to increase speed ?)
- Food items could have times
- Varying level dimensions (?)
- Obstacles in higher levels (?)