Chuangshi1 / Genesis

Apache License 2.0
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Contact: or @KZ on Filecoin Slack


Below is an summary of the key client requirements and processes that the Filecoin Incentive Design Lab (FIDL) team will follow to oversee proper due diligence while insuring compliance to Fil+ guidelines for DataCap allocations.

Current Scope:

Minimum client requirements:

Once an application is submitted, diligence to be completed on clients includes:

New User Check

Client ID Check (KYC)

Storage Provider (SP) Usage Check

Allocation Tranche Schedule to clients:

First Time User Allocation Schedule:

Note: For users utilizing a GitHub ID older than 2 months and have successfully onboarded public open datasets in the LDN pathway (before 2024) their onboarding experience will be reviewed to confirm no issues and a positive community reputation. If so, they will be considered a trusted GitHub ID user and can bypass the first allocation schedule above and be considered for the trusted user schedule below. If not, they will follow the first time user allocation schedule.

Trusted User Allocation Schedule:

Note: if first time applicants apply for multiple applications at the same time, only after a completion of one, will the count be included and increased allocation sizes become available.

The allocation schedule for trusted users is:

After successful onboarding of a dataset as a trusted GitHub ID, users then become eligible to apply for 5PiB+ as needed to meet their demand.

Subsequent allocation schedule:

Two other points to note about DataCap allocation and subsequent usage: 1) There is an expiration date of three months on any allocation of DataCap. From an allocation date, we will measure three months time and if the allocation has not been used (open or closed status), the application will be closed and remaining DataCap removed. 2) The expectation when the complete amount of requested DataCap is allocated is that the client has completely finished onboarding their dataset and replicas. If a client receives a Datacap allocation, then closes their application before completion, they will be questioned as to why. Likewise, if a client receives a DataCap allocation and abandons the application and becomes completely non responsive, their GitHub ID will be flagged from any future participation in the pathway.

Compliance check mechanisms for the client applications:
